General Discussion

General DiscussionTBD, can some experts out there tell me how this works ?

TBD, can some experts out there tell me how this works ? in General Discussion
Dont Care

    I mean, what should I do ? should i just keep using my favorite heroes for the 10 calibration games ? do you have any tips on how to calibrate to high mmr bracket ? please tell me , I'm new to dota 2.


      the core is having high hero damage each games with good KDAs, winning doesnt even matter that much in thye calibration period. Pick cores that you feel most comfortable with (mid or carry), and you'll calibrate higher (higher than u should tho, cz ifu abuse calibration system, u get overrated mmr and will have low winrate later on).

      Dont Care

        are you certain about that ? .


          yes, I am


            I did my calibration matches on Treant Protector. Won 6/10. Got 3.2k MMR.

            Winning matters, damage - not.


              ^well, that's just false. you can google guides about calibration and mmr system if you doubt.
              in terms of strength of influence on future mmr, HD > KDA > Winrate



                I won 6/10 --> got 600 mmr
                Mainly played CM in those games
                I was level 13 and probably deserved it, buut it shows my wins didn't count that much and hero damage etc counted more


                Don't know if you're only new to DOTA 2 but you're definitely not new to MOBAs, In normal matchmaking you calibrated VHS after first 10 games -- Not sure if you're a lying smurf or not ^.^


                  hes not new.. but hes not good either
                  smurf acc and se asia server lol w/e

                  on topic...

                  -u got ur Hidden Solo mmr and Hidden Party mmr from normal games once u hit 13 lvl u have 10 calibration games to sligthly improve this hidden mmr and make it apear as Ranked mmr.

                  - Win or lose doesnt even matter on calibration games but using ur brain u will get that if u win a game that means u will have better performance than losing a game ( count on that )

                  -things have changed about how to calibrate higher. as tripplesteal mentioned above the basics are HD Kda but u can also include ur general "performance" ( u know u cant have much HD if u play sup but u can perform good and thats a Plus+ )

                  - i suggest playing ur hero(s) u are most comfortable with and feel confident with

                  - i guess ur mmr will be arround 4.3k based on a quick look

                  Thats all i have to say based on my experience on calibrating and selling accs or smurf arround and make people mad

                  if u have any questions feel free to add and ask

                  Dont Care

                    i will update you on my mmr tommorow .


                      One of the most important thing is your base level for mmr so even if you arent calibrating it is still computimg your mmr. HD> KDA> WR


                        you know calibration matches are not that important ...
                        i won 9\10 for my friend to get high mmr but he got (2.9) becuz he sucked up in all matches before calibration as triple steal said u need kda and hd in all matches

                        Bad Intentions

                          good lord op, those reds in your recent games :O whats going on?! :O


                            My 10 calibration matches:

                            1) lost, CM, 5.5k HD (lowest),
                            2) won, CM, 9.1k HD (lowest in team),
                            3) won, Treant, 11k HD (lowest in team),
                            4) lost, Ursa, 3.4k HD (potato),
                            5) lost, Treant, 2.8k HD (lowest),
                            6) won, Treant, 3.7k HD (lowest),
                            7) won, Treant, 3.2k HD (lowest),
                            8) lost, Treant, 2.5k HD (lowest in team),
                            9) won, Trean, 3.9k HD (lowest),
                            10) won, Naga, 5.8k HD (lowest in team),

                            And after all that I started to play in high skill...
                            If you want to make me think that hero damage matters, then try harder. =)

                            P.S. A little about myself:
                            - very slow reaction;
                            - laggy internet (wifi sux);
                            - no map awareness;
                            - zero game sence;
                            - questionable picks (e.g. I like to play support Viper);
                            - yet, for some reason I bounce around 4.5k MMR.

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                              Looked at 9 & 10:

                              9) 5.5 KDA Ratio, 2.7k HH (by far most)
                              10) 5 KDA Ratio, 3.3k TD (most)

                              Maybe it has a lot to do with KDA ratio and not so much to do with tower damage etc?
                              It seems to be the more you die, the lower your mmr will be (I died 10 + times almost everytime in calibration)


                                ^How about #4 Ursa with 1/12/1 KDA? <1k MMR playstyle. =)

                                Seriously, nobody knows how exactly calibration works, all we have is speculation.

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                                Dont Care

                                  well i got 4.3k mmr . and i almost fucking own every game .


                                    So, what we learned today? Is KDA the only important thing during calibration?


                                      stuff like hd and disable duration used to be factors idk about now


                                        I won 7/10 of my calibration games. Bcuz I ususally pick hard carrys, I went with the farm-&-split-push-while-my-team-makes-space playstyle and would avoid team fights but usually the game would end b4 I could actually join the fights (altho I would do significant tower dmg and hav a high GPM).

                                        Anyway I calibrated at fucking 2k mmr. No wonder the world needs smurfs. On my smurf, im at high skill

                                        wait I hav high KDA's and HD on some of them too


                                        Dont know how this system works. If hidden mmr plays a bigger role, thats just unfair, since I started dota on this account, and was obv a noob in the starting days. The system just encourages smurfing

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                                        Livin' Real Good

                                          Multiple smurfs? Ew, i WILL get to 4K on my main and only account! None of that smurf nonsense! O_O


                                            uhh november rain dude. u calibrated 2k and only high skill on smurf?were u high?


                                              ^ @rekt idk why i calibrated at 2k on the main. thats wat im asking. this is my ranked matches page;


                                              my hidden mmr was too low i guess, which was decided back in my starting days wen i was learning how to play