General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Sets

New Sets in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    Damn Those sets all look awesome. Why can't volvo have a quality contrl like that for the sets that we get into other treasures and shops?


    My personal ranklist of the sets from awesome to slighlty less awesome:
    1.) Necro (10/10)
    2.) DK (9.8/19)
    3.) Dusa (9.6/10)
    4.) WR (9.2/10)
    5.) Venge (9/10)
    6.) Doom (8.7/10)
    7.) Spec (8.7/10)
    8.) Tuskarr (8.5/10)
    9.) SM (8/10)
    10.) Rubick (8/10)
    11.) jugg (7/10)

    Ce sujet a été édité

      I kinda agree with your list!
      Maybe windranger a bit lower down and tusk higher

      Jug one isn't that great :o

      Giff me Wingman

        It's still better than around 85% of the sets available ~.~


          DK at 11/10, I still hate his swing sound and animation D:<


            I'll swap my jugga set 1:1 for tusk or skywrath


              maybe for wr even, add me i f you want


                dk set best. spec set trash. i like the conservator set for spec. btw any1 trading that set?


                  honestly that rubick set is garbage...

                  so many good sets in the workshop, and they chose that one..

                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                    Agree Rubick one is weak and why can't more of these have huds like the dk one included.

                    bum farto

                      This is by far the best set I have seen in a long time


                        If anyone wants the rubick set, PM me. I want dusa/tusk one.

                        Mortimer Smith

                          DK 9.8 AND NECRO 10?????????????????


                            Set the Spectre set on fire 1/10.
                            Doom set's Deepavali wings is questionable 3/10, I think the Turban Rubick might actually attract some fans of niche/quirky stuff 7/10.
                            I think the WR set is too flowery but people will give it 8/10 for the twintails.

                            DK definitely 11/10, best set available. Medusa and Tusk set also looks good 9/10.
                            The rest only looks okay but not fantastic.


                              The fck the doom one is the best hands down

                              Night 夜

                                Those Spectre and Jugg sets really suck balls. That's like the most bland Jugg set I've ever seen.
                                And the Spectre set just doesn't fit the hero very well I think. She should at least still look like a spectral kind of being and not like a purple nun.

                                Mortimer Smith

                                  spectre 10/10000000


                                    I'd like the Tusk one more if Vici's logo wasn't on him. No disrespect for the team and all, but I'd rather not look like a fanboy by having Vici's flying ice sigil following me.

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      tinker needs more immortals kappa

                                      Mortimer Smith

                                        ynit needs to be funny

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          ^ only when he gets love keepo


                                            i can has hats? keepo

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Dk and doom are awesome and the jug one is too but jug has far too many sets as is. All the rest are just above average.


                                                I have tusk set for trade. I'll take a spec set for it it maybe something else let me know.

                                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                Mortimer Smith

                                                  My personal ranklist:

                                                  Dk 10/10

                                                  Doom 9.3/10

                                                  Jugger 8.75/10

                                                  Tusk 9 (but VG logo make it meh)

                                                  Skyrat (7.5)

                                                  Vengeful (7.5)

                                                  Rubik (7)

                                                  Duza (6)

                                                  Necrophos (6)

                                                  Wind (3)

                                                  Spectre (1)



                                                    cant open the link, what set is it?




                                                        well Mokujin that looks badass :)
                                                        thanks for linking!


                                                          fucking demon looks better than the hero

                                                          CAN'T WIN

                                                            Yeah i think dota should do a new hero with that skin


                                                              LOL, I thought it's doom behind wl xd