General Discussion

General Discussion@KitRaK

@KitRaK in General Discussion
Krazy Kat

    Match ID 1405502234

    What a great game.
    KiTraK as captain in an NEL CM game.
    With Universe and Yawar on the other team.
    Good stuff.

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        lel, lion is a br known trash talker

        Last picking is 4 pussies

          Safe to say krazy kat account belongs to you or affiliated to you in some manner kitrak?


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            Livin' Real Good

              That Kitrak Tinker tho, i'm wet

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              Last picking is 4 pussies

                What's there to be salty about? Side note am I right?

                And guy above he hasn't played tinker since what patch was that again everyone played tinker? 6.81-2?

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                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                    ? I could explain my ES history and missed opportunities it would be like you spamming tinker now and not having the blatant success everyone had doing it when he was easy mmr and meta. Aka when you abused it for calibration.

                    I don't follow you around anymore then you do me.

                    Krazy kat is a normal skill loses most the time player who rarely plays. You honestly want me to believe this isn't your first account or some friend you had that used to play? For real?


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                    casual gamer

                      and they had the most obnoxious shit to play tinker against jesus fuck


                        stop pulling a relentless and linking AR lpp matches haha!

                        bum farto

                          Kitrak do you ever still play with fear the reaper?

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                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                              You realize when ES was most OP when he first came out and people spammed him mid I played him as a 4 position.

                              Then grip was swapped with boulder smash and I kept playing the same position ES.

                              Then remnant refresh was nerfed to 35 seconds and not sure what flavor of month meta was out then.

                              Then the buff that got everyone playing earth happened it's called blink doesn't cost mana I wasn't privilege to the key part of this timeline do to my laptop breaking so by time I returned to dota it was the sniper/troll/jugg patch.

                              So you're right I should be much higher for my games as ES but on that note some self sabotage was in play due to my playstyle and decision to always overly try to help a team.

                              I get how that's different then making multiple accounts and spamming a hero that anyone would win with regardless of team composition.

                              On the retarded part let's be honest that's clearly you or I could link your famous I'm illiterate quote even though you speak at a 3rd grade California level.

                              Ps your welcome for the bump your self praise from a friend post was all but gone till I brought it back.

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                                Hex Sigma

                                  ^How can you even flame so hard? Are you that insecure? Or is autistic the new term for trash? what can i say well played internet... man they were right , dota is a community with plenty of elitist self absorbed assholes. Geez

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                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                      ^---highly dubious at best. Or you talking about your shameless plug buddy who made this post for you?

                                      All you do is belittle people below you and bend on your knees for people at your mmr or >

                                      Once again you speak and type at a 3rd grade level which is amazing considering an iPhone alone would fix half your stupidity.

                                      Hex Sigma

                                        My bad if im wrong but from what you posted here, i never thought of you as a helpfull person. If you indeed are one then good job


                                          i em douchebag


                                            I take pleasure in grammar nazi-ing hypocrytes here and while I don't like to take sides, I'll tell you that you only began writing properly after you told Kitrak he wrote like a retard. Before then (and even in the post where you initially told him that), you didn't bother to capitalize words and barely paid attention to apostrophes.

                                            Besides, whoever is right, right now you are the one who keeps on reviving the same pointless issue you have with him at almost every opportunity in which he posts something. Just let it die, what's the point of arguing about the way you or anybody else plays? It shows that probably the game affects or influences your life a bit too much.


                                              deja vu in this thread

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                                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                  ^---indeed and you now round up to call yourself a 6k player ;)

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                                                      Woah Kitrekt, what a captain! Nice win :o


                                                        wp <3

                                                        Krazy Kat

                                                          I dun goofed.
                                                          I am not a plug buddy (whatever that means.) I'm just a scrub who likes watching games.
                                                          I was tired and bored and looked for a good recent NEL game to watch.
                                                          I watched it.
                                                          It was a great game (just look at the exp graph.)
                                                          I made a post.
                                                          I am sorry for creating drama.
                                                          If this post has any more flames I will delete it.

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                                                            Hex Sigma

                                                              Wow the ppl from db can actually be nice, amazing