General Discussion

General DiscussionSingle biggest reason for lost games?

Single biggest reason for lost games? in General Discussion

    The single biggest reason for lost games, is a teams poor decision making. After doing a full team wipe, whats does my ream do every time? They go right back to farming. No rosh, no take down a tower or racks. I swear people forget that its a tower defence sometimes and not a kill simulator.

    Just my observations. What you guys think?


      Bad picks ie: lack/excess of carries, picking a jungler when the enemy has trilane/techies/several ganking heroes, forcing a pick everygame regardless of counters or what your team needs, etc

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        1) junglers
        2) overextending


          Sucking dicks is the major reason for lost games


            play a carry hero for a change, and you will find yourself doing the same thing.
            or you will just win games :)


              It depends on ur lvl of play. People in 4k+ don't go back to jungle after won fight. Stuff ur describing looks like bracket below 3k mmr.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Attitude and mindset of the players. If they go in to the game like "Man, this sure will be another loss." then obviously it will be a loss because he won't even try to win.


                  how can you blame it on decision making when you're 1k?


                    Everyone hates on junglers for some reason, but there are plenty of scenarios/lineups where junglers are good.

                    Dire Wolf

                      Idk, I'm pretty sure it's 50% picks, nothing else is close to 50% of effect. The reason is in pub matches the skills are all very close, we all play more or less as bad or good as the other side, so the biggest advantage is picks. Yes, if your QOP destroys opposing tinker mid or something then you're more likely to win, but it's too hard to guess who's going to win that mid matchup. It's much more accurate to just look at the picks as a whole and take whichever side has better lineup. Counters matter, but in general the team that has better disables, easier to play heroes and straightforward lineup wins.

                      Teams that go roaming gank heavy are harder to pull off in pubs than a straightforward, hc, semi carry, support team. Because they have to convert successful ganks into taking towers, and that requires coordination. Lots of teamfights happen in pubs so big team fight abilities plus disables matter a lot. Micro intense heroes just generally don't do as well.

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                        Dire Wolf

                          And I'd argue it was the techies pick more than the low morale =p

                          Obviously I can't see when you picked techies, but you did pick him on teams that have noticably worse late game than enemy team. Techies makes games long, doesn't fit on any of your teams which all had mid game heroes who want to win around 30 mins as opposed to 50.

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                            No, its rly bad players taking core roles:
                            my last 2 games, almost 95% of games i lose is because one out of 3 cores fail on hd, gpm, kda or all 3 of them.

                            Mortimer Smith

                              junglers like bs, doom, alchemist, jugger, lifestealer, lone druid helps a lot on loosing games

                              Dire Wolf

                                wait what? You want to blame the AM who had over 7 cs a min because you couldn't gank sven enough?

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                                    Im bad


                                      1. Crying
                                      2. Crying on forums
                                      3. Crying

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                                        Das Claw

                                          #1 is getting outpicked. Getting outpicked IS getting outplayed.

                                          The number of times I end up solo supporting, against 2-3 people splitting support duties on the other team; is absurd. And it's hard to practice being a real support; when your team comps suck.


                                            Letting your ancient go to 0hp?


                                              bad pick, and bad internet connection to some extent

                                              348 here

                                                I have 3k games played and 4.1k hours played.

                                                The #1 reason for losing in dota is infighting. Plain and simple. Anyone who says otherwise is a toxic shitter.

                                                Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                  The single biggest reason for lost games is overextension. It's also usually the cause for more than 90% of all hero deaths. And this applies to 1k matches the same as it does for pro matches.


                                                  No, fighting against team mates is only responsible for ~50~75% of all losses I believe.

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                                                  plz do

                                                    <- dis guy?


                                                      In pub the biggest reason for a lose is flaming blaming since the beginning of the game or when a mistake or 2 happens


                                                        first blood!!
                                                        > team mates A: why the fuck I always get noob team mates
                                                        > team mates B: we lost
                                                        > team mates C: >Good game, well played!

                                                        Hex Sigma

                                                          @kitrak that's why you abandon games when you feed 17 times in a row with morph? or you do it when you get upset that you lost a one hour game?

                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                            1 and only reason.

                                                            you sucking balls.


                                                              I just started playing a few months ago and have played mainly solo all picks so here's my reasons.

                                                              1. Overextending during the laning phase. So many times the start of the game my laning partner just auto attacks the creeps and pushs them straight to the enemies tower. Of course they don't back off either, standing near the enemy tower trying to farm and then the kicker... they get mad at the team when they die.

                                                              2. Feeders, again from overextending or not knowing how to play the game. They feed, we lose towers and they continue to extend past the safety of our towers by themselves. I've literally sat there and tried to get people to stay back but they venture out and then get ganked by themselves.

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