General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for position 4 support for team

Looking for position 4 support for team in General Discussion

    As stated in the title, we are looking for a position 4 support for our team, prefereably between 2-3k mmr.
    We play on EU West and use TeamSpeak 3 to communicate.

    Add me on steam/leave a comment here if interested.

    The Space Man

      I'm from Philippine support player 2.1k mmr

      CAN'T WIN

        Im your boi, im 3.8

        CAN'T WIN

          But i join only if u speak a good english. I need to learn english


            Sorry guys we are looking for a European player, the rest of us are all European so it's easier that way.
            Hope you guys understand.


              I'm from South Africa but more then half my games are EU servers :o
              Make me a stand in :D

              Mortimer Smith

                dUDE IM EUROPEAN!!

                Mortimer Smith

                  I'm best reporting system, its my first account. Just add me on ''BEST REPORTING SYSTEM''


                    up here chieff, my original position is a 5 but can shift to a 4 easily, heroes I excel at are omniknight,abadon, warlock, ogre magi and lion. Ofcourse i play all heroes, but ive spent most time playing with theese ones. Contact me here or add me on steam


                      oh and I am european, also fluid in english

