General Discussion

General DiscussionHow come Invoker is not play in pro scene anymore??

How come Invoker is not play in pro scene anymore?? in General Discussion

    I don't get it..
    He needs xp.. yes..
    All he's abilities are pretty strong.
    I just don't get why he isn't picked anymore. :/


      he is picked sometimes, as far as I know


        because orchid, bkb, useless invo. he is usually a mid hero, but there are other heroes that can mid better.


          really. whereas other mid heroes thrive when enemy have orchid and bkb vs them?

          Dire Wolf

            Not as tanky as lesh, not as mobile as qop? I have no idea, pro picks tend to focus on a couple lineups they run and that's it. Like they practice qop and lesh and gyro in their lineups so they keep picking them.

            What's more shocking to me is wraith king not picked or banned a single time during TI5 qualifiers. Of those not picked or banned one time, only wk, dp, earth spirit, elder titan, necrophos, terror blade and oracle. I get et (agi counter, agi heroes not popular right now) and tb (just weak), but you really can't ever find a lineup that fits necro, oracle or dp? AND WRAITH KING?! One of the best supports in pro play.

            THICC BABY SHUM

              AND WRAITH KING?! One of the best supports in pro play.

              Dire Wolf

                disable, major debuff with res, vamp aura for team, what's not to like? He used to be a pretty popular pro support too.

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  there are way better supports then him.

                  waku waku

                    man i hate invoker one wrong rebalance and that button monster with a spell for any in game situation is gonna be more op than undying used to be for a while