General Discussion

General DiscussionCan't hide Team Ranked MM data from Dotabuff.

Can't hide Team Ranked MM data from Dotabuff. in General Discussion
Fast Car

    So, I play with my friends in team ranked mm a lot, and nowadays we are having problems with enemy teams getting data from our dotabuff team profile, they can just search it and click on our team. Is there anyway to prevent this data from dotabuff? We already tried to uncheck "expost public match data" but it only works for solo profiles, the team profile still gets updated data. It's fun to play team ranked mm, because sometimes you get a lot of spectators (500~~900+) and you can find a lot of people that want to add you to train, or something like that. But dotabuff having the option to view team profiles ruins this type of fun.

    Well i made this post on reddit yesterday and people sugested to contact dotabuff, so im here to check if something can be made.

    No giggities?

      1.2k games with Disruptor. Holy shit.


        you cant reset the old history of matches, but can stop exposing newer matches.

        Fast Car

          No i cant stop exposing newer matches, as i said the TEAM PROFILE will always be updated with the new matches.

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            do your opponents download your replays very fast and watch how you play or what?

            Fast Car

              Thats not it, the point is they use the draft phase to "alt+ tab" checking our team profile on dotabuff to benefit from the data that it expose and thats nothing we can do to avoid it. In a example, if you want to practice one type of draft they gonna check it and ban some heroes from it because they have fresh data updated from your team profile dotabuff.

              Ce commentaire a été édité

                didnt know its different in team matchmaking, sry for my pointless answer then, i didnt read the post accurately enough
                then idk, ive never seen teams with hidden matches tbh
                but if u rly wish, u can re-create the team

                Fast Car

                  If you re-create the team you'll lose the mmr you got on it. And even with that soon that problem would start again, thats not a way to fix it.


                    get gud


                      Valve makes all team ranked MMR and games public (regardless of stat sharing settings). I suggest either getting good at also counter-picking your opponents, or just not playing team ranked.

                      We don't do custom deletions of data. Our data tends to be self repairing anyway so it would be a pain.


                        the answer turns out to be get good after all :D

                        Fast Car


                          Thats not entirely true, in game all your team can put their profile on private so with this IN GAME theres not other way to search about data and and get stats, since no one can see your profile/teamprofile. No one can see you history. The "counterpick/notplayranked" answer is just an excuse , since you guys are by passing information that is on PRIVATE inside game.

                          Also i came here to talk about the data stuff, its not like you with 49% wr and normal skill bracket can understand something about counter-picking or even suggest to not play ranked, but thats not the point anw.

                          The point is if i dont want to allow the data for being exposed and my profile is on PRIVATE , people should not allowed to get any data from me in this easy way just by 1 click on dotabuff.

                          im so bad at artifact

                            People play team matchmaking? News to me.
                            You have to remember, *every* public matchmaking game (and then some) can and will be picked up by dotabuff, including those where all 10 players are private.
                            The alternative is to simply 5 stack rather than doing actual team matchmaking, since it's the same matchmaking pool anyway.



                              We're not bypassing any privacy measures here (we take great care to protect information that we know to be private, and don't have access to many things unless you grant that access). Your team matchmaking data is available via the API regardless of privacy settings. This is something that is decided by Valve, and (AFAIK) has always been like that. In the same way that match are always available for ticketed league matches, there are good reasons for this.

                              While I don't know why Valve decided on this behavior, it makes sense for a number of reasons:

                              - Picking and counter-picking is a part of competitive team matches
                              - Spectators watch these matches and statistics help guide and improve their experience

                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                You can probably try to make your name hard to read or in different language for enemy to be hard to find you.


                                  ^actually you can make the nickname as simple as possible for that, cz hard nicknames can be jsut copypasted. however, you cant find a person with nickname Player her eon dotabuff, because there are so many that some of them are even not displayed.
                                  THe problem is that the team can still be found by its name.

                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    ^ it will slow them down having to copy paste, also if steam is private they cant copy ur name during picking phase, and team name can be chosen the one that there are many names off so it will take long time to find.

                                    Fast Car


                                      Thanks for your response, my friend warned me of the API stuff, also i know that it works like a tool for you guys and for your work it would be a loss to remove such thing.
                                      What i meant about the by pass is that i cant do nothing about this even when i try to restrict all i can to spread that data harder.

                                      Thats why my question was " Is there anyway to prevent this data from dotabuff? "

                                      You do have a point on your listeds reasons, but a lot of people want to play high level games even without play in a pro scene, so thats the same experience of data that people complaint about on ranked games before valve add the option "expose or not stuff..". Thats why a lot of pros climb on mmr putting their profiles on private and uncheking the expose box, because it matters.

                                      @6.85 when
                                      Thank you for your point.

                                      You're right.



                                        -> git gud
                                        -> play with 5 smurfs

                                        Fast Car


                                          Youre such a funny guy , was curious why so much shitty poster.
                                          Checked your profile and saw youre muted.

                                          Found this

                                          "Hey that hurt"
                                          Gl my friend.


                                            what hurt?

                                            CAN'T WIN

                                              Shut the fuk up OP dont try to hurt the king of LOW PRIO POOL...

                                              @Benao, can u declare me the princess of LOW PRIO POOL?


                                                i doubt you're a girl

                                                and how often are you in lp?


                                                  ahh fucking x6
                                                  i dont think you're in lp that often though

                                                  Giff me Wingman


                                                    LOL benao drunk playing meepo