General Discussion

General DiscussionAghs/Refresh vs Veil/Dagon on Zeus.

Aghs/Refresh vs Veil/Dagon on Zeus. in General Discussion

    Used to be a diehard fan of Aghs/Refresh and then I discovered Veil. Basically gives you way more damage for a much lower cost, it also benefits the team. Plus this gives justification for getting Null Talisman as a first item since getting bottle before 2 minutes is easy even then with just spamming Q and having one clarity. Previously, you got bottle way too fast.

    Dagon is there for excellent syngery with Veil and it allows you to solo pickoff without have to have your ulti off cd. It also allows for way more snowballing. You can even decide which to get first depending on your team lineup. Plenty of early teamfight? Get Veil. Going for solo pickoffs? Get Dagon. Similar prices since you start out with Null.

    I find the Veil/Dagon offers way more for a much lower price. The only downside it has to the prior is lesser global damage if you're not at the scene of the fight. Otherwise you provide way more damage output, lower downtime and all this for a LOWER cost.

    Itemization afterwards is whatever, Eul/Hex/Refresher/Eb/Octarine/Bloodstone and blablabla according to the situation.

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      Aghs is so underwhelming.

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          I honestly would never recommend aghs anymore. It offers a very tiny increase in damage for its cost.

          Road to zero mmr

            aghs is autism as a core zeus unless u are in a global strat or have a bs on your team

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              I was so used to making aghs after making a blink dagger, i was wrong....
              Its usually better to make a veil, then making either survivability or more dmg like refresher.


                Playstyle and Bracket dependent imho. Saying aghs only " offers a very tiny increase in damage for its cost" when it doubles level 6 ulti damage just isn't accurate.

                If your opponents aren't warding well and you can get it before level 11, aghs is good.

                Otherwise go for forcestaff/bloodstone/blink/euls/ghost. Veil is nice but i think its more for a core zeus than support zeus. If you watch merlini play zeus, he uses veil non stop on creep waves to clear them with two Q casts.

                Basically, aghs is better in low tier pub matches where you can sit back and farm/gank a quick aghs. The better your opponents are, the more important other items become for zeus. Then he needs positioning items and mana regen items so that he can blow mana dewarding and still be able to fight.

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                Road to zero mmr

                  veil dagon probably isnt the build either though


                    The hero Zeus in itself is hard bullshit If u ask me.
                    But the combos with him are Kinda strong like global ultis or bs + Zeus


                      why go bloodstone still over octarine? ok the build is nicer - no mystic staff and you probably have a soul ring already - but octarine zeus is a beast.


                        Lel at saying Aghs doubles level 6 damage. Sounds crazy strong till you realize that if you're gonna get an Aghs before level 11, that also would've meant you couldve gotten a super early dagon or blink and done much more... and like I mentioned earlier, not have a stupid downtime when your ult is on cd.

                        And that Aghs essentially adds 215/190/165 damage to your ult. Yes, at level 16, it offers you a whopping 165 damage or technically 123 damage after reduction.

                        Uhh no. Low-tier matches advocate greedy snowbally builds like dagon even more cause everyone sucks. Like ayumi pointed out, its retarded unless you have some 5 man global strat.

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                        Livin' Real Good

                          This thread gave me a whole change of perspective on Ags, but i think i'm going to decided myself if Ags is useful in a game or not, and see where it takes me as a player, nice input though. AGS early does so much damage if you're already snowballing with Zues and have 3 levels ahead of the enemy teams carry. (like you're level 12, and their mid is level 10 while his team is level 8-9) that damage early on is huge cause they don't have the HP pool, especially the supports. I tend to buy it when they have squishy line ups with supports + heroes like Drow, Weaver, and one's that can blown up by magic like PA.

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                            Nothing new about agah zeus being ultra weak. It still have it's niche as a global damage increaser. a bit like how gyro's ult become global with agah

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                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                You only need bloodstone if you want insane farming and don't want to run out of mana. Other than that it really doesn't do much for you. Euls is still insanely good because of the mana regen and MS is just so good on Zeus. Aghs is only useful if you have other globals in your team.


                                  I used to be a zeus picker, and now I still play it from time to time and I have always prefered the veil + dagon build, check my stats as zeus you will see I had pretty good results.

                                  Im a bit greedy so my build goes this way: clarities, bottle, boots of speed, nul talisman, magic wand and a soul ring for the starting, then I go straight for the Boots of travel because It allows me to help any allie at any time and almost anywhere, also the extra move speed is great on zeus (if I dont get it before minute 10 I may go for the veil insteal), then I get the veil at about 15 minutes into the game, then I go for dagon 1, after that I get blink dagger and start enjoying easy kills, upgrade dagon to lvl 5 and get a refresher orb, as last item I could still get the aghanim for the maximum damage combo or I can get a vyse, bloodstone or octarine.

                                  I also made the bloodstone build some times and its great becasue it allows you to never go back to base and spam like mad, but you lack a bit of burst damage.

                                  Miku Plays

                                    why not veil + aghs though ...


                                      because with veil and dagon you are improving all of your skills and the dagon damage, you have higher chances to nuke down at least 1 enemy in 1 second


                                        what about boots? I always go phase bcuz i don't make any positioning items, plus it helps last hitting early and saving ur nukes for harrass. I tried arcane, but I found phase much better. null + bottle is enuf for mana. And i think octarine + refresher should be core on him, they're insanely good

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                                        Miku Plays

                                          imo eblade zeus imba

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                                              I think the comments about Aghs being weak are correct, if you're talking about one hero. Even lvl 16 ulti at 165dmg boost ends up 825 damage bonus if you are in a xv5 and you ult. Aghs + veil increases potentially the damage to all 5 of their heroes, while dagon + veil only focuses one down.

                                              Aghs doesn't seem that great usually, but if you get an early advantage it can force the other team to either avoid teamfights or lose them, which can make pushing down towers, securing farm/rosh much easier. Versus something like bloodstone or dagon where you have sustained output, but less aoe* dmg burst.

                                              Edited: forgot to insert aoe*

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                                                As I asked earlier but got no reply I'll try again :)

                                                In what circumstances do you go Bloodstone over Octarine on Zeus?


                                                  If you need mana regen more than cd reduction I guess. But why not build bloodstone into octarine?

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    bloodstone is a farming item that you rush because it lets you murder creeps

                                                    octarine is a damage item that gives you hp and reduces your item cooldowns, the mana regen on octarine alone is not enough to farm with arc like bloodstone is


                                                      Aghs is a trash item on zeus


                                                        octarine core seems solid on zeus

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                                                            You don't even need the veil, just getting survivablity items so you can cast Q 5 times and W a few times while being close to them so your passive is at work will do so much more than a scepter ult or even 2.