General Discussion

General DiscussionA question about playing sf nowadays

A question about playing sf nowadays in General Discussion

    I was wondering, if you're winning your lane, are you supposed to keep pressuring their mid or you should go for stacking your own jungle to give yourself a little bit more farm?
    Also, are you supposed to just keep farming and avoid initiating fights until you get very big or risk it up a bit after you get shadowblade? What about ganking nowadays? And what should be the long term plan in a game as shadow fiend to seal the deal?

    Bad Intentions

      Towers then racks.


        win the game


          Not directed at sub3ks like above. No wonder they just spout out gibberish when asked of subtleties.

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            depends on your style, theres no right answer


              Id say pressure mid tower when its empty, keep razing even if they are there so they feel threathen to leave. Stack jungle only if theres nothing else to do really, i dont even do that. Theres always farm for that crazy farming hero, i think ganking is more of a net loss and risky until you get a few items ahead.