General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat does it take to cross from 4.5k to 5k?

What does it take to cross from 4.5k to 5k? in General Discussion

    I'm in the critical stages of my climb. I was stomped heavily during 4.5k primarily because of the Juggernaut era - I'm a Spectre picker
    But so far so good, I still don't find the games that hard. Ironically, I feel everyone is starting to have more game sense.
    Although of course, you will see the noobs or the emotionally distraught allies occasionally.

    What does it take for me to reach 5K? Advise please!


      no idea took me 2 months to go from 3.2k - 4.7 ish kinda been floating around 4.8k for a week... games are hard



        Indirectly mocking yourself by saying you were stuck at 3k for more than thousand games. Showoff fail.


          Took me 1 month to go from 3,6K to 4,4k now I'am kinda stuck here. People tend to give up when they can't get mid or carry, i think you need to work on gameplay, I see my self doing so many mistakes and I don't know what the fuck i'am doing but it just happens automatically. I think if I learn to avoid shit I would get 5k in no time.




              Pls give advice benao BibleThump


                what does it takes to become dendi?


                  you jsut have to destroy the enemy on your lane every game

                  some people do it by outpicking (i don't) -> faster
                  others just by being better (me, i first pick)

                  just pick neutral heroes and do your job, rect them and you should win at least 50+%

                  and by rect and rape i dont mean just winning cause of favorable lineup, i mean CRIPPLING THEM, making them look as supports, force them to elave the lane, make them cry and whine to their teammates and ask for ganks



                    i buy my own wards
                    i buy my own sentries
                    i buy my own gems



                      and i buy my own smokes, people are so fucknig stupid, they never use them and when they do its like watching fucking 2k players move

                      --> use the chick to smoke, bring it over and just smoke gg

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                        and where has that gotten you benao?


                          I like starting with a ward middle to see if they gank or not especially when they only cost 75 now. but I kinda always feel stealing it a away from tr supports


                            blackxargon just focus on winning the lanes and the game is hopefully in the bag after first 10-15min


                              But I dont play mid, I primarily play Hard Carry if my allies allow me to.

                              And I pick very wisely most of the time.


                                first pick bloodseeker, thank me later


                                  "i pick very wisley most of the time"

                                  Naix confirmed counter to blood

                                  on a serious note: One thing that really helps is to be nice to your teammates and don't flame for mistaks they make. Really saved me a ton of games this weekend.

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                                      he is four point niners. iirc

                                      bum farto

                                        I was friendly this game, I even let BS call the shots till I saw he had one item 50 minutes into the game.

                                        Don't get too caught up in organizing team work, do your thing and let what happens, happen and don't get too worked up about it whether its good or bad. Just keep playing the game to your best.


                                          FLAME THEM ALL BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL TR*SH

                                          but remember, if you're tr*sh then STFFU AND DO WHAT OTHER PEOPLE SAY

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                                              look at my profile and see what happen when u gave other ppl play mid :(
                                              this is y i lose trust in them, especially those with new mmr ids


                                                im 5k, us trash

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                                                  @BEAT THE AUTISM

                                                  Yep, Naix is a very good counter against blood.
                                                  Too bad we lost that game, read my blog if you want to know why ;)


                                                  @Havoc Badger

                                                  I'm the type who organizes teamwork and use my mic when needed. I also let my team know what items they should keep in mind from the get go (i.e we had a Viper mid and Necrolyte support - Told them from the start that Viper should build mekansm while Necro builds Urn)

                                                  But yeah you're right, there will be those games when whatever talking you do, people will flame and not listen. Sometimes it will be just 1 guy, then I can still zone him out and will tell my teammates to just mute him. But if the team is really just highly disorganized, I just shut the fuck up and focus on my gameplay.

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                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                      Remember BlackXargon, Pinoy Doto = Best Doto.



                                                        Mortimer Smith

                                                          FROM 3K TO 4K LONGS A LIFE


                                                            be nice in your game and to your ally. If your ally is flaming, just mute then. Never give up too! at least that what i do and i'm in the low 5k now. I still suck a lot tho and a lot of the time i get carry by my 4.5k mmr player because i don't flame them even if they do something dumb. I just keep on playing...

                                                            copiumtrader.eth #WAGMI #...

                                                              Consistently playing well.

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                                                                  favorable when i have double the delay?`at the very least


                                                                    I went from 3.3k to 3.8k by playing tinker alone ( even got 15 charm box out of it )
                                                                    when entered very high skill games, everyone was farming everywhere.

                                                                    And I'm not even allowed to play mid at all due to everyone 1st picking mid hero instantly.

                                                                    Even worse, after seeing most of my team mates with 200-400 games played, I felt like these ppl might bought new account or created new ids due to old ids being stuck in normal/high skills games.

                                                                    And at this level of gameplay (where everyone loves farming) Im not even sure if batrider gonna make any diff in it.


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                                                                        benao screenshot of mmr pls

                                                                        i think this might be the new blunt @ fnatic

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                                                                            @ mute and play
                                                                            Respect If u can do this i also rule with dusa but i get ultra bored If i pick her only twice in a row... So I rdm and Feed :D


                                                                              Just flame them as I do & stay in 4k trench forever :>


                                                                                pls DON'T compare me with blunt


                                                                                  Lol benao 1, Dotabuff jealousy people 0. PS: I guess you have eventually will stop thinking they lie to you when they say they are 5k or above :D

                                                                                  Pol Pot of Greed



                                                                                      It took me 11 days to go from 4k4 to 5k. I'm at 5.2k right now, but I don't know if I deserve this to be honest. My trick was to spam OP heroes (for me I spammed Abaddon with max shield and curse build).

                                                                                      Also when I look at your dotabuff, I found that you got terrible winrate on dire side. So maybe you want to disconnect immediately when you see you are on dire.

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                                                                                        ok benao, thank you for not being Blunt tier lowlife. cheers.

                                                                                        5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                                          stop playing atrociously and you'll get 5k