General Discussion

General DiscussionSomeone tell me how player rankings really work??

Someone tell me how player rankings really work?? in General Discussion

    Hey Guys,

    I've been sitting at the top 100 huskar for quite a while now
    I've been dropping from rank 25 with 5700 points to only rank 44 with 5606 points
    I'm really curious how I'm dropping so low since I won most of my matches
    I'm sitting @ 4.8k mmr and I've been playing with the same stacks
    Weird thing is, under the same bracket and with same team, I lost 65 points from this match
    and I gained 20 points from this match
    so everytime i won, my points actually dropped and sometimes i gained points when i Lost
    Does this mean I have to lose all my games or what?



      because of bracekt.


        this deviation occured due to division changes, probably you are on the borderline of two divisions. however, it is calculated with delays/errors, so sometimes division changes can seem to be strange.
        division measures the average level of all your games on a given hero btw, since the very early beginning. or at least is theroetically supposed to do so.


          How much you gain/lose depends on the skill level of the game. So I guess you won versus a pretty bad team and lost versus a good team.


            Hmm for the division, I've dropped from diamond 10 to diamond 6 and again, I've been playing with the same guys...
            And for bracket, I've always played at very high bracket so i'm not quite how they calculate the division or the points in general


              236 of your huskar games are in very high rest are under 3.800 mmr.


                diamond 1 is VHS as well, but VHS is kinda huge

                btw ther is a guy on 48th place in huskar ladder who has same nickname as you do, lol


                  Division (difficulty) * KDA (impact) * Games played (risk) = hero score