General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    Dont know what happened...ah your team just fed to hell. Sorry mate. hate those kinds of games


      Nice job picking up a ton of assists to help win the game


        u died too many times and thats what you are doing in every game.. feed less, win more


          Good job in surviving, only 1 death is pretty cool.
          Nice amount of assists and overall good stats.

          maybe little bit small amount of towerdamage but that doesnt hurt here cause u won easy :)


            Got lucky that BB and DH fed you kills. Otherwise, Invoker could have rekt you. WP in winning.


              That's ... an odd match for a ranked. Your enemy should have win that match considering your team don't have any support. Well, its a normal rank so that won't be a problem. At least you did a good job keeping that 0 death.

              Massive Dynamic

                Well, considering your items, it seems like you hard supported, so good job on that. Maybe could have had less deaths though.


                  Bristle power tank. Well played, looked like a hard game. LS on your team wasn't that impressive. Good items! wp!


                    u could get 4k only by phienix


                      Can't tell if smurf or transitioning from different moba. You played storm on a team that needed way too many items and looks like you sat back and let others farm for the most part. Single draft problems

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                        You guys got outdrafted pretty badly . Doesn't seem like u got outplayed though , so i guess that's a good thing .


                          Good pitlord, but at same time SF was feeding and sniper bought mjollnirs with satanic

                          pls dont let the celtikkk...

                            Your midlaner has less gpm than the enemy position 5, WTF?!


                              long game, must be some wombo combo tt gave u the comeback. nice one nonetheless


                                Spectreeee. Wow that huge comeback doe holy shit. Wp i guess spec late game is still a huge threat


                                  Welp, your team is feeding but managed to stall the game long enough for you to build two Divine Rapier.
                                  Good job there staying alive and farm those item and then turning the table.


                                    i like players like you that know how good is pipe of insight but anyway you and your team did good especially meepo


                                      Well played, well carried.
                                      Good HD and alright Tower dmg.


                                        Well, the game is already hard from the start. You tried but the game is too hard for you to carry. Next time how about telling your teammates not to buy to much invis ? You guys will get countered really hard with dust and vision.


                                          Bad farm (mb because u were the support I actually dont know from that miserable lineup) and bad aghs. I would say horrible slark but AM is just as bad so its even. Also bad KDA.


                                            You did good.. But your team feed like hell. No wonder you lost that match with a 1-17 cm lol.

                                            Donald Trump 2016

                                              Didn't die as often as most pitlord players. Good assists.

                                              casual gamer

                                                pretty standard riki items

                                                you jugg and lc carried while am basically masturbated in the jungle for no reason


                                                  You died too much but still won

                                                  Donald Trump 2016

                                                    Team of feeders and you did not let them take you with them on the feed train.


                                                      Filthy Riki picker. Surpised you won with that lineup, you and the AW had to carry ALOT for that game to work out. You could have hit towers a little more tho. Gg


                                                        4 min from linken's to eblade? must be a hell of a game 4Head


                                                          nice suport pick tide blood lion were sucha a trash of players your lucky for that 25 mmr ez


                                                            Stomp, u played great, the enemy team left 1 by 1 ez game.


                                                              Looks like enemy team doesn't know how to deal with morphling.


                                                                Your team was complete trash but you kept your deaths to a minimum. Looks like you just got steamrolled tbh.


                                                                  By the looks you won the game together with WR, but I have no clue how the weaver could hold them in the game for such long time by himself. Well played despite normal skill.

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    Clean and easy sweep with Huskar. 11 minutes into the game your team was up by 8k net worth. It looks like you made the Clockwerk babyrage, and kudos to your team for realizing that you could end the game before 20 minutes. Another green entry for your recent matches page.

                                                                    I'm curious as to how you're getting better. At some point of time you were performing pretty substandard your whole Dota 2 life, up until August 13 all I see on your Activity page are red and maroon dots. Then a miraculous change your win-loss ratio during the following weeks is like 7 wins - 1 loss. Despite that your overall winrate still sits at 51.82%, seems it was very hard to get it to 50%.

                                                                    idk one thing that fluctuated during your "gitting gud" time was the servers you play in. EU East easier than EU West??? Also I see you tried Naga Siren, Lone Druid, and Nature's Prophet (all require a degree of micro) but saw a lot of losses. Then you switched to Storm Spirit, Invoker, and Templar Assassin (heroes only need the player to focus on himself in order to wreck) suddenly you're on a win streak, that's when this all started. Were you out of your comfort zone when playing unfamiliar heroes and so failed, but when going back to what you were gucci at you won again? Regarding Naga somehow before you were good at her then suddenly bad??? Also seems that Mirana wasn't too kind to you, surprising since she and Templar (a hero you performed good with) share a similar playstyle, especially now that Mirana is all about getting near to her targets.

                                                                    What I really want to know is, what did you change to get better? I've been waiting for this kind of breakthrough for me where I just have an epiphany and totally dominate in my matches, like you are currently doing. Or maybe different people have been using the same account??? Sorry no offense but can't rule that out lmao. If not then you're doing really great for yourself mate, keep it up!

                                                                    tl;dr how do i git gud like you



                                                                      If you look longer back (is it possible) you see I didnt play this account for about 1 year and a few months. So I have played before.
                                                                      I had a like 69-71% winrate on Windranger for a while when i was going to get into ranked. I have just played dota 2 for soon 2 years, with a 1 year break.

                                                                      Main problem has been that i have played and throwed on purpose.. or well, I have played despite my problems. A lot. I have had problems with depression and that with dota aint kind to you. That normaly has happened during early mornings. Regarding the servers I have in fact found out there is we less trolls on EU East then West. I have the best ping on Russia since i live in Sweden but that sux since they dont communicate in english.
                                                                      There is less cancer on East then West, tbh. You should try out.

                                                                      Still shit happens now as well. But whats trule changed is that I post TI stopped to play on different accounts, try to focus more, started with a medication and also play on hours i shuld play, but most important - I do not play when I dont feel well.

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SKIP ME SEMPAI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


                                                                        Yeah you can look back

                                                                        Sorry about the problems man, I hope you're getting better. I do agree Dota 2 is a very stressful game, more so on the part of the community rather than the gameplay itself. With in-game toxicity and problems irl, I understand how that can affect your performance, dragging you down when in fact you can be so much more. Not just Dota 2 but also in real life. Good on you for recovering and becoming better!

                                                                        So from what I read I should maintain something like a schedule, or put up parameters that dictate whether I should play or not. I did read something that by having a clear schedule your mind gets more accustomed to the strain of the said activity, allowing you to improve. Forgot where I read it but I remember the idea of the article.

                                                                        Anyways thanks for the tips man! Will try to implement, I live in the Philippines (SEA) so its currently a school season we're halfway through it. My point is that I don't control my schedule this time. However I will take note of this, maybe I can squeeze it between my morning basketball and book reading lmao. Aight that's all thanks a ton and may you continue on your way to prosperity haha!

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                                                                        stupid fuck 2000


                                                                          You lost cause you had an offlane drow who did nothing the entire game. They had a way better lineup.

                                                                          pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                                                            Your opponents are total scrubs lol, 3 position 1 heroes? EZ +25


                                                                              Easy win and nice play with the good old Aba. Good hd and tanky build. Wp


                                                                                carry underlord no comment



                                                                                  For you, ;) You know, at times shit just happen and you cant answer and all falls appart.
                                                                                  Remember to keep focused and dont do stupid shit that makes you die.

                                                                                  And stay hydrated!

                                                                                  @ry0ga waga

                                                                                  You got stumped by PA, and a stearolling pa in NormalSkill is never, EVER, fun I guess. Jugger was keeping up tho. Its hard to say but dying 12 times is never good, even as a Lion support. spec not with a LC, PA and Pudge trollin around.


                                                                                    i dont know how they lose fights :) anyway drow pick is nice vs egg zeus and all i gues theres no slark ;d nice defending towers

                                                                                    fishy boi

                                                                                      dat wk dr tho

                                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                                        u died a lot, farmed a bit slow and didnt do much damage.

                                                                                        meepo is tough though, keep at it. u won too so clearly u did something right

                                                                                        Mr. Nice Guy

                                                                                          wp,sir :P

                                                                                          Massive Dynamic

                                                                                            Your Void was useless, good job on that fast blink dagger. They were owned pretty hard by you guys. WP.

                                                                                            Bad Intentions

                                                                                              Solid lion performance. Sexy 14 min pick up on blink. Gud job on minimal deaths. Looks like u played a smart game here that really helped out your team. GJ overall.

                                                                                              Bad Intentions


                                                                                                Well, gud job at getting those items atleast, but i guess you have very little game impact aside from defending with snakes? Ur score is also evil :O

                                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                                  solid item choices and decent impact. you could try going necro for wk and to break high ground but what you got is definitely the more standard route.

                                                                                                  ur team seems a bit overloaded on carry (5 core rofl) which definitely works out in ur favor an hour in. however I would've picked support if my team is going to be that retarded

                                                                                                  Massive Dynamic

                                                                                                    @Bad Intentions

                                                                                                    Well, if you look at the stats, I was the only person on our team that didn't have double digit deaths. My team fed theirs hardcore, especially the Pudge. He had 30 flesh heap by the end of the game. I also had the most hero damage. There was almost nothing that could be done to win this match.

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                                                                                                      You played a really good Pudge game. Made space for your team allowing Medusa to take over