General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
stupid fuck 2000

    u carried those fucks, little bit of throw in the end heh :D


      You and Tiny did quite okay there, probably also because of your bad enemy lineup.


        Wp dark seer


          nice comeback

          pls be patient very noob ...

            good game


              Great game, you utterly destroyed them and carried your team. But I gotta ask, why MoM and blink??

              pls be patient very noob ...

                ^this guy(girl)


                Then this thread


                My own logic for the items: MoM for fast camp clearing, dagger for jumping from farm spot to farm spot quickly + obv utility in teamfights, BoT to ensure you can always find a spot to farm or so you can join fights when necessary. These 3 items form my farming trio of core items.

                *pls skip me but not the guy above me

                Ce commentaire a été édité

                  Nice dude with that OD play. Well farmed and with a great HD and kda. Nice m8!


                    Second Visage game ever for you. I'm guessing you were trying out a new hero / new build, but I'm not quire sure what those items were meant to accomplish.


                      Nice build


                        Morph and Timber together in a lane - that's pretty much sums up the game. Regardless, you did a good job. You didn't let Slark get fat. Good KDA, XPM and GPM.

                        Dr. Banana

                          So, urrm, I'm normal skill so I'm just going to try my best.

                          Your void game was good. As a scrub, being able to comprehend the fact that winning against a slark, Ursa and puck (with veno and ES on top of that) is, well, uncomprehend able. But, I want to know, wouldn't a Vlad's have been better than MoM? Seeing as they got veno and puck and stuff. Also, since you got manta, why not a diffusal blade or vanguard instead of a second battlefury?


                            @Dr. Banana
                            Drow's the only other hitter + I need the atk speed so MoM. I bought 2 BFs because of compendium quest and didn't even finish it lol



                              Your team are cowards who believe in farming and not pushing (because nyx aghs = we can't push anymore). You were forced to end the game yourself, despite your team.

                              M u r d e r

                                ez stomp, interesting choice to deal with PA using Bloodthorn.

                                please rate this match I am curious what could I have done to win it


                                  You're fighting aganist Medusa and tb so your bound to lose late game.U had drow and invo which crazy at pushing so why didnt so guys push all the lanes so that Medusa and tb had no safe place to farm and eventually win the game. But instead u guys let the game draw out longer and gave space for the enemy carries to farm out of hand. Then u lost. Try ending the game earlier and focus on taking tower or rax than kills

                                  M u r d e r

                                    Yeah I'll be more imperative regarding my suggestions on how we should play as a team, but remember this is normal skill, they don't listen. Anything I personally could have done(any spells I could steal), any items I could have build that would have helped us?

                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                      i dont think you couldve done anything as a rubick to win the game except by either relying on your team or making a massive play

                                      i would suggest aghs over octarine tho, its cheaper and also provides cd reduc (altho only for ur ult) and u dont get to use that spell vamp anyway


                                        Somehow you managed to win as sniper vs a riki, i'll put it down to lack of experience from the enemy and outstanding play by yourself,
                                        I'm not sure you could play that matchup in higher mmr escpeically with an invoker sun strike into the smoke cloud slow combo

                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                          nice comeback, was tt ember's rapiers?

                                          fishy boi


                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              That was a terrible loss man, you had great potential to win with Necro and Lifestealer vs STR heroes and slippery enemies. All your lanes were supposed to go great, although Kunkka kinda has an advantage over Meepo in terms of harass. Made sense to make LS go offlane rather than jungle or change lane with Ember, he had better chances in the offlane. Safelane good as well, with Necro and Ember there vs a solo Axe. You just got outplayed I guess, better luck next time. :(

                                              PS Stop just commenting "kek" at least show effort that you bothered to look at the previous poster's performace last game. People commenting here need actual input, please cooperate. ik u just tryna meme but do it on other threads that legitimately exist for shitposting. Also, kek.


                                                Not as dominant as you ought to be at this mmr. Mistakes were made, you and techies just barely pulled through. You could've had an even better early game with a second point in reactive armor.


                                                  ^nice stomp by actually one of the worst heroes in game

                                                  stupid fuck 2000

                                                    You played good. I really don't agree with not buying bloodstone on storm though. idk

                                                    Pablo Picasso

                                                      Skills advantage on your side, from early slow + nuke kills to shielding from enemy melee cores.

                                                      Silver Edge pretty much breaks passive harder on tankers; in addition on clones adding salt to the wound further (Spilt Target/Stack Break Duration.)

                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                        played a solo support Et and it looks like you did pretty good. You have nonexistent lvls and farm, though probably due to having tinker and alch on your team. It seems to me like you won because alch hit buildings and the enemy team did not.

                                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                                          Not much to be said, nice item choices, good game


                                                            24:1 kda as dazzle, 28 minutes? Enemy team must have completely melted down! Nice work


                                                              A right click Doom ? I don't think its a good idea, he has quite low BAT so building him like that doesnt really makes sense.


                                                                Second highest hero damage without using your ult to KS. Wp friend, wp


                                                                  i have no idea how people ve been playing arc warden since nerfs, but looks like ur right click one worked on this one, very nice hero dmg

                                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                                    Hmmm good zues game. HD is not the best, standard items, maybe more kills next time? u might be also trying to setup kills for PA, so its gud. Overall good performance.

                                                                    fishy boi


                                                                      ASSESS Product


                                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                                          u guys skipped me! :O!

                                                                          ZioO rules

                                                                            Day 434, they still didn't notice im hiding behind bananas

                                                                            -bad intentionsmancer

                                                                            fishy boi


                                                                              stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                right click tusk in 2016 LUL


                                                                                  Nice play with Arc W. Nice to see people play him and know how to play him. Stomp game!

                                                                                  Massive Dynamic

                                                                                    Hmmm... I'm very curious to know how you guys lost this match, it looks like you guys had a great lineup and your carries were well farmed... Anyway on your part you had quite high xpm, and a very good amount of assists so you definitely helped your team get kills and didn't die much yourself while doing it. Your itemization was also good. Well done.

                                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                      Good work there as a PA, but i think there's a better hero for offlane. Going offlane as PA is never a good thing, especially IF Ursa has decided to lane with you. You're lucky because your enemy decided to place only Lone Druid against you.

                                                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                                                        Good lich performance. Solid HD and KDA. Youre not afraid to get into team fights, which is good. Overall you clearly helped your team to win. Good euls pick up too.


                                                                                          Veno. Standard Bad Intentions game.

                                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                            Good sk performance, but you have been pretty much outplayed - Tinker seems to have lost mid and wd, I am not sure what he did to die 10 times. Unfortunately I cannot watch the game..


                                                                                              Non-traditional but relatively effective Luna build. Your WD's heal seemed subpar, and he probably got outplayed with Omni's Guardian Angel. I guess Dire could've won if the match had been dragged out longer, esp with a networth swing that big.

                                                                                              WK and Clinkz both had bad farm, basically.

                                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                                Sunray burned you and TB too effectively. Weaver / Morph / Centaur made it impossible to escape bad teamfights or get an easy initiation. Feels like you were moderately outdrafted and heavily outplayed.


                                                                                                  Stomping right from the start to the end. Nice to see you both dealing insane damage and keeping your team alive. Were you building a Radiance and planning to spread your cancer more?

                                                                                                  Invoker stats are really outstanding, Alchemist must had a really hard time. Chaos Knight was also crushed - no farm, no damage when he's supposed to be an aggressive early game hero.

                                                                                                  Is Dagon Bloodseeker a new meta?


                                                                                                    Aww, tough loss for you. You guys did quite okay early game but seems like lost your tempo midway.
                                                                                                    How about building Linken's or Lotus Orb next time instead of Agh ? These item would benefit your team more because your enemy has a lot of single target spell that can be blocked. But then again, you're not the carry but at least next time you can suggest them to build those item ASAP.