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Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
Gabba Gabba Games TTV

    *Ignore this comment do him^^^*

    damn that detailed analysis though i want you to comment on my games from now on lol

    Massive Dynamic

      One thing you need to keep in mind is that I was mid, not safe lane. I tried to avoid fights when CK had his ult up because we didn't really have anything to counter it, so being in every teamfight wasn't the best choice. We won because I took objectives as early as possible and took pick offs whenever I could.

      (Skip me)

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      Mike Tyson

        Focus Lasthitting more. 250cs at 50 mins as Morph isn't acceptable. Try to die less in general. You somehow dealt only 19 dmg in the match, that's not good.

        Edit: Just read the 'skip me' part.. fuck

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        Raining in Manila

          1 dead and stomp

          casual gamer

            my game got ignored feels bad man

            I like your items a lot, although i'm not sure if skipping pike is good or not. You definitely stomped them, though your cs is a little lower than you want

            Pretty funny you have more building damage than a troll

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            Super Senko-san Time

              You had an easy lane, farm is great, and the early linkens was crucial. Other than that, new meta LD looks good. I made fun of the idea until I saw your game.

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                Sry im bad at dota but here goes nothing. I am actually questioning why u eat your moon shard. Give midas to bear and get the moonshard bcause efficiently. I really like bloodtorn because im a bloodtorn fan.

                Super Senko-san Time

                  Ignored too feelsbadman

                  Typical case of playing in a game against people around 1K mmr lower than yours. Aside from that, early domi-pt-lance is really good efficiency wise. Good game well played.

                  Optimus Drip

                    Despite doing well, clockwerk kicked your ass.


                      good job on controlling AM and knowing your role as slardar with an ursa and TB on your team


                        Dagon necro lul. Plz update your build other than that i need to question your 2 death. You should have never die because you will never die vs that lineup unless you do some stupid plays or you die from your lane


                          you are doing great, your team successfully farm efficiently and your roamer doing his job (pudge, i guess)


                            you had arcane boots on storm which is weird, you died a little much for storm, but you won so

                            Mike Tyson

                              only normal skill.. very low cs for 50 mins. weird itemisation with aether lens, eblade sniper.. good impact on the game, highes hero dmg but you died too often.


                                low farm low hero dmg low tower dmg
                                29 min blink next item 49 min octa very bad you need to learn alot more things in dota




                                    Literally an average mediocre SF game.

                                    Nothing too bad, nothing super good.


                                      Great KDA and GPM/XPM. Not sure why your SF kept on split pushing - perhaps, your team didn't give SF any kills, he was scared, or he just felt that it was his role. Just thought that it could have ended earlier if he was able to dominate the game by getting more kills.


                                        am game where u got rekt early it seems but u got ur farm eventually, overall low gpm, hero damage, but decent building damage.

                                        Player 345068850

                                          Easy game for u and lc cuz ur a smurf.maybe get bkb cuz of they have lots of magical damage.Goodjob overall wp.


                                            YOU got nice amount of assists and you helped your team a lot with good amount of kill participation and got decent farm due to this so that you transitioned into a 4th position strong core weaver. overall your team was well coordinated and you played well.


                                              Your last item radi is pretty odd. My choice would be a e blade yeah you hear that right. Your job is to kill tinker and that would be easy. You must invest all of you remnants to kill the tinker and then you eblade the one who get jumped on by wk. of course other than that you need a bkb if you cannot kill tinker in the 1st few second. Overall you did great kiting that wkk to death
                                              Ps. Mine is rat doto


                                                you had trash anti but still managed to win wpwp


                                                  Wew that game ended early. GJ to you and your team on messing them up. Still not sure how that happened though. LOL.


                                                    Honestly if you look at everything, i did most part of winning. Lesh did great solo killing some heroes. Arc warden destroys t3 with his double necro book which help a lot since we also win by ratting am is basically just stalling the push while i rat their rax and suicide into bb then def base. The 322 begins at me and lesh killing (unstoppable) bs with his illusion and we both repeats to kill bs again with his illu. Then i got eblade and started solo killing cm,slad and drow


                                                      wtf is with that lineup. anyway, moving on, you had pretty weird item timings. got stuck on that linkens for a while. but clearly you were the one carrying so.

                                                      edit: the void game I played was jungle btw

                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                        All of your team feeded and opponent pa had 14min phase and deso and you also had a techies on your team. There is no way you could have won this game.


                                                          You played the most boring offlaner in the game. You had gyro in your team in 2017 and a techies. Yeah thats a loss

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            CORRECT CHEN BUILD, CARRIED TEAM TO VICTORY

                                                            Won't care, Don't care. XD

                                                              CORRECT MONKEY KING BUILD, CARRIED TEAM TO VICTORY


                                                                items hero dmg farm itself are very bad
                                                                u should go for trads lance soul ri aquila deso pike then difusal/bkb/deda what u need
                                                                gl next


                                                                  Seems like you got carried to victory by that qop bara combo wombo.. A complete shit stomp on an unsupported juggernaut.. Nice farm though.. 10 lh per min is pretty good..


                                                                    You actually hold vs that kind of line up and bring that into the late game. Tbh i am very very surprised that you didnt get rapier. You should put your linkens to you backpack and replace with rapier. I know i know rupture for linkens. But told you teammate to stick around you so that when slark and bs go near them you can just kill them and proceed to kill tinker last. The other way is fine but i think its hard to find tinker with that kind of lineup.


                                                                      Nice win streak.


                                                                        ez life stomping normal skill games with sf. pretty much that, a complete stomp by ur whole team from minute one it seems. decent cs but not too good, and im not a fan of that build on sf in general but it seems like it worked out for u and ur team, wp.


                                                                          i was just having fun in that game...and yeah im not a good player..LUL

                                                                          skip me


                                                                            @l nice sf , go ahead and stomp more, mate :) maybe i can reach this vhs too one day ...
                                                                            @aigoo, i think having fun is the most important thing in dota , so improve , win and have fun, mate:)

                                                                            Feichang Gaoxing

                                                                              Should've built tranquil boots, and why did u build poor mans shield??? That aghanims was a waste. Should have gotten crimson guard to lessen damage from enemy combined with pudge's pipe. Anywayz nice try. Played cent a lot of times but i feel his aghanims is a really really situational pick up. Go for more tanky items rather than a gimmicky ulti


                                                                                Ty, i had a bad feeling about this game from the beginning ,my friends were so sleepy:). Just trying builds . Scepter is situational , of course, echo sabre works for me. HoT x2, crimson, dagger, tranq, AC or Shiva i think.

                                                                                Feichang Gaoxing

                                                                                  OK OK DELETE YOUR COMMENT OR ELSE THEY WILL SKIP ME 😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞

                                                                                  PS: pls dont skip me. Need some advice for my lich huhu

                                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                    ud be better off buying ghost glimmer force than pipe mek, especially on lich

                                                                                    but im awful at lich


                                                                                      roaming SD, 31 assists only 4 deaths, equal GPM and more XPM then offlane centaur, 10/10 would play with this dude.

                                                                                      good itemization, i only have a 45% winrate with SD though :(


                                                                                        Good job on winning the game, Don't understand why the Anther Lens on DP. Surely you could have gotten a different item with that 2300 gold.

                                                                                        Glad you used ult to sac towers and take objectives judging by your tower damage.



                                                                                          incredble gameplay on jakiro, nice stomp. most of their team got countered by omni and pipe. great farm tho as a support.

                                                                                          one-man bukkake


                                                                                            Legit stomp. Their team just went chainfeeding from the moment you went our of the jungle. Almost 1kill/minute




                                                                                              WP! Totally carried that game. Better than any ofyour lanes oO

                                                                                              Looks like Skywrath Mage + Riki against 8 LUL


                                                                                                Good recognition of squishy opponents and building dagon. Would have gone for Aghs tho. But totally squished your opponents despite Sniper's bad performance.


                                                                                                  Long fought out game that could of gone either way because of how close it was for awhile. Looks like one final big fight was the decider and kudos tof your team for ending it quick (prob?)

                                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                                    Good comeback,enemies tiny really don't like hitting tower don't he?

                                                                                                    PS : why only player that won last game post here?