General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat brand new heroes should be added to Dota 2??

What brand new heroes should be added to Dota 2?? in General Discussion

    Any Ideas?

    Some heroes I think would be cool:

    Name: Hong Kong!
    Some Abilities:
    Pounds his chest and warcries giving nearby allies strength
    Climbs onto someone squeezes them as if they were a building :D
    Maybe could even climb towers and be untouched lol

    Name: Justin Bieber
    Summons a crowd of little girls to fight for him, very weak attacks but there is a ton of them :P
    Sings, All around him block their ears and get silenced for a bit

    Heals fast
    When takes too much damage in a short time his claws come out and he does incredible damage ^^
    Increased vision, fast etc


      Corrupted priest

      1st ability Corrupt 6 second cooldown
      50/100/150/200 AOE Damage nuke that when it does damage it collects charges which 1 charge consists of 200 damage dealt. Theese charges are the base of this hero.Maximum charges that the Priest can hold are 10

      2nd ability Corrupted Spirit - no cooldown (based on how many charges are left)
      20/40/60/80 Target spell heal/ damaging nuke over time which uses one charge.There are unlimited charges that can be used on a target intended for healing, however damage to enemies is halved (nuke also applies a curse preventing a hero to regenerate health and mana) Example 4 charges used for a nuke = 4 seconds without regeneration

      3rd ability Passive 1000 AOE
      Allies benefit 25% of what the Corrupted Priest regenerated, while also reducing enemy regeneration by 25%
      Ability also scales with charges, base is 25% and every charge adds another 5%

      Ultimate False Belief
      Adds another 2 charges per level.
      Causes all remaining charges to be set among a 800 AOE nuking enemies and healing allies while also applying a slow of 50% for 4 seconds

      Dire Wolf

        dota 2 has so many heroes I don't know if it needs more before adding the rest of dota1 guys in. But an aura based hero might be fun. One that can swap auras, like has a healing aura that restores so much hp/sec and can be toggled into a dmg aura like a mini radiance. Then maybe also has a dmg boost aura that can be toggled between dmg boost, attack speed boost, or miss chance for enemies.

        I think healing heroes are cool too, dota doesn't have tons of them. If they made one similar to visage how his nuke builds up charges, but have it build up healing charges. Not sure how it would work.

        Then I also think another anti caster melee hero would be another addition but not like anti mage. Instead have like a silence and some anti magic passive. Thinking more like a melee version of silencer.


          Gif pit lord and dota is fun again


            add a hero who can plant mines, detonate them, suicide, and promote terrorism in general.
            oh wait

            Last picking is 4 pussies

              HON has some heroes that might be good rotated over.

              Dark lady, the madman, maliken. My personal fav was nymphora.

              Look at me, Hector.

                i played hon like 1 week when it was closed beta and free, i enjoyed playing puppet master but i was probably 3k-4k at that time so what do i know about this hero