General Discussion

General DiscussionShould I play ranked?

Should I play ranked? in General Discussion

    SC2 player here, played Dota off and on, but I'm really not sure if ranked is right for me?


      ranked is for everyone i guess, eh? no matter how good or bad you are, you will be matched with players with skill equal to yours.


        I see, but I haven't really even calibrated at all yet. Will my first game(s) be awful?

        Low Expectations

          There is no diffrence between calibration games and other games


            nah, they wont be worse than in NMM. on average, you will get less feeders/leavers, but since people in ranked are more motivated, they will also be more toxic sometimes.

            Polkadot Piranha

              The 3 main reasons not to play ranked are:

              1. You are testing out a hero/item-/skillbuild and don't want to impose your inexperience on other ranked players.

              2. Ladder anxiety.

              3. You are stacking with someone who either a) can't play ranked yet or b) whose MMR is too far apart from yours to play ranked.