General Discussion

General DiscussionAbaddon 6.84 build

Abaddon 6.84 build in General Discussion

    Self explained.

    Strategy is the same as . Late game common item used to be AC. In 6.84 Solar Crest is pretty solid, so the build adjusted a little bit.

    Solar Crest is extremely good on Abaddon. He can dispel the debuff on himself after using it, effectively raising the miss chance to 51% on any one who attack him.

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    NextStep ®

      Undying + abaddon offlane gonna be so OP. lol


        or i just play es and buy dagon


          The problem is that you easily get bored spamming him too much in ranked games. And it is not quite entertaining to be a slave for team.

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              I think maybe you are not playing him right. Undying + Abaddon can even win trilane. It works here at 5k2 scrub, maybe you are right it's not working at 6k.

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                He got me 7 wins in a row. I think that early tranquils allow you to use HP resources more deliberately so I get it instead of phase even if i plan on getting vlads. Also maxing curse over shield is even better IMO.

                Dire Wolf

                  No mist coil at all? I thought it was 1 point in curse, max shield, max coil.

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                      Finally got some one agree with me on no coil skill build. I haven't tried maxing curse over shield. Maxing shield reduces cd though. Let me try, I will give feed back on this "maxing curse" build. While tranquil can help you early game, it falls off later in mid game when every one got boots. You can't really chase people without high enough ms.

                      You are mentioning pure support build. You definitely max shield and then max coil if you are playing position 5 (solo supp). If so then you don't skill curse at all (skill stats instead after shield and coil).
                      The build i'm using is for position 3/4 (focusing on shield + curse, and getting aura items).

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                        if I remember correctly abba was a boring hero that won games, if I get desperate for some wins ill try this out .


                          Yeah, totally agree that it is a boring hero. I don't really like playing him unless I desperately want to climb mmr.


                            Awakened, can you teach me how to farm items as a support? I can't get Vlads, Drums or anything at reasonable time. This is how my farm looks like after 1 hour long match:


                            Miku Plays

                              abaddon gets destroyed by silver edge lc btw.. how do u play against it? other than detection.


                                EB.Hatsune Miku
                                I think Aba can use his ult even when disabled. No?

                                Miku Plays

                                  i tried in bots that abba ult gets disabled


                                    This new patch is confusing... So you want to say that Abaddon can't turn on his ult manually after someone strikes him with Silver Edge, right?


                                      You can turn it on manually, but it won't activate passively. Not much of a problem since now you can activate it even when stunned (beware silences, though).

                                      Miku Plays

                                        i dont know about the manual ult on abba, but the case is silver edge then duel. im pretty sure you cant cast anything when dueled



                                          Borrowed Time can now be cast while disabled (same rules as Morphling's Morph)


                                            @EB.Hatsune Miku
                                            That's right you can't activate it while dueled, because duel silences you, but you can activate it under Axe's call, any stun, and even winter's curse I think.


                                              Crazy mechanics...


                                                @Soultrap: this is one of the reason why I like to play Abaddon maxing Shield and Curse. Once he farm up the Morbid Mask or MoC (which turns to Vlad and Solar Crest), he can jungle farm pretty easily (Curse give a lot of AS). So he can have a lot of items even though played as support.

                                                @EB.Hatsune Miku: I always buy gem if the other team has invisibility heroes/items. If you look at my matches and see my inventory, very often you see I got sentries, dust and gem -> this indicates good supporter. If you are LC and you get Silver Edge instead of Blink Dagger against me as Abaddon, you'll have no chance as I'm a good supp and I always bring sentries and gem.

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                                                  Just to mention that Blink Dagger will NOT get cancelled by pretty much anything during Borrow Time.
                                                  (except for AA ult)

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                                                    Its always nice to see top 100 players sharing their tips. I always think maxing shield and curse is more viable since coil eats up too much of your hp when max early. I guess the trick is then to ensure you itemize correctly, which you seemed to have perfected. Carry item build just does not cut it from 4.2k onwards (at least at my level).

                                                    Also, what do you think of tranquil boot + casual sobi/ROB + 1-3-1 (or 1-2-2) skill build in the early game? You then max shield and curse as per normal.

                                                    I find 1 level of coil to be very good in securing farms in hard lanes. By hard lanes, I mean solo offlane versus 2 ranged whereby your shield will be used up very fast. Level 1 coil is spammable due to the low mana cost. The hp loss does not disable tranquil boot as well, so you can potentially spam farm till you are out of mana. You can also get casual clarity since you will be staying behind and it will not get dispelled. Coil is also a good utility heal/self-heal/nuke-for-the-last-hit, especially when you are diving tower in the early game. Also, the added armor from tranquil boot also help to solve your low starting armor issue.

                                                    Also, your thoughts on Eul? This give him all the mana regen he needs, movespeed to compensate for loss of phase, as well as a sweet disable to buy some cooldown time on your shield and coil. I am quite satisfied with the results from the small sample size I have (approx 3 wins out of 5 games?).



                                                      Tranquil is an inferior choice compared to Phase as it falls of pretty quickly after laning phase, try not to get it as much as possible (unless you feel that you are behind too much). I am on the hard lane only if I'm paired with heroes that have killing potential (like Viper, Visage, Leshrac, Lina...). Skilling 1 early on is not really good as you cannot dominate the lane with it. Back to your question, IMO Abaddon is not really good as solo offlane hero, try avoiding it as much as possible (if cannot, your build is viable).

                                                      While Eul seems good, there are even better items like Vlad and Solar Crest that make you more tanky, provide strong utility in team fight and help your farm as well.

                                                      - mana regen
                                                      - ms
                                                      - utility in fight

                                                      - mana regen
                                                      - utility in fight
                                                      - farm
                                                      - tankiness
                                                      - aggression in lane

                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité


                                                        I wouldn't necessary say tranquil is inferior as it is more defensive whereas phase is more offensive, especially you need to be in the middle of the fight to apply debuff and aura. I am not sure whether you are aware, but you do buy lots of tranquil based on your recent match history. And that these matches seem to end up in losses more often than not. I am not sure whether it is because tranquil is really inferior or it is because of the fact that you and your team are on the back seat off the bat (especially in laning stage). As such, you are forced to buy a tranquil In that case, will getting a phase really be more optimal than tranquil? And if enemies are snowballing, will you still stick to curse or would you start to max coil in order to have more impact?

                                                        I think the success of 0-3-2 build is to have 2 level of curse (+OOV) to be able to snare your enemies in the early games. In the event that you want to be aggressive in lane and still take 1 level of coil, 1-2-2 seems like a good build. Not sure what are your thoughts on it?

                                                        Abby as a safe lane support seems underwhelming as he does not has any stun and is melee. Pos 4 or 5 Abby seems to farm too slow to be able to stay in the middle of fight to apply curse for long? I guess those are the reasons why pros tend to max shield and coil as they provide more utility. And he is only picked when omni and dazzle are banned. Do you have any statistics on your success rate versus hard lanes (either on safe or off lane)?

                                                        I guess you are right on Eul. It was meant to be a fun build for me as Eul was so popular in 6.83. But then I buy it as a hardcore support spamming coil and shield from behind, so the playstyle may be slightly different.

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                                                          In recent matches, I'm matched up with 5.5k+ 6k+ players. And 5.5-6k players tend not to listen and trust me as they think they are high, so I am forced to be more as supp so I'm behind more often - that's why u see a lot of Tranquil. I have always play as pos 4 or 5 Abaddon (even in dual offlane), and I had no problem farming and staying in middle of fight.

                                                          Interestingly, when I'm the highest in my team, ppl listen to me and trust my build - I won game even as just a pos 4-5 supp.

                                                          I don't think 1 skill of coil can do much. I'd rather 0-3-2 so I have less CD and more damage on the shield.

                                                          I always avoid going dual offlane against strong trilane, so I win offlane lane most of the time.

                                                          If I am in safelane, I focus more on pulling and stacking. I also go gank mid after 4min (night) if enemy mid has no escape ability. Shield myself in trees, wait 5 seconds and go hit the mid hero. The slow has high chance to guarantee kill.

                                                          Update 10-6-2015: My build still works at 6.84c and I'm 5408 right now. Item build change a little bit: since nukers are quite popular recently, pipe and glimmer cape are gotten over solar crest.

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