General Discussion

General DiscussionSo I have been trying to figure out what hero to use this patch.

So I have been trying to figure out what hero to use this patch. in General Discussion

    I just had a lot of success with drow mid a couple of games , this made sure my team didn't waste mid on a moron, then I either took mid tower then killed safe lane tower or safe tower then mid tower anyways I split pushing a lot early game knocking out Atleast two t2 towers if not all three, this causes my team to have a large gold / map control advantage then we group and win game with advantage. How long would this be viable for I am 3150 mmr I assume at some point drow would become not viable?

    Ce sujet a été édité

      Drow will become less viable as more and more people use blink daggers. As you move from 3.2k toward 4k blink daggers become a lot more common. But you can still use drow, it just requires more perfect lasthitting, and orb walking so you can get her items up before ppl finish blinks and make it easy to kill her.

      When a 4k MMR necrophos hits you with blink-ult-dagon and kills drow in 1.5 seconds you will feel like she is not viable. She still could be a situational pick, but you will need a bkb fast.

      Ce commentaire a été édité

        Drow is viable even at 6k mmr if you are good and if it fits other picks. Of course it sucks vs heroes that can instant jump on you like Pa or Void but with some push strat with visage venge and stuff can be very ez game.


          Try lifesteal, shadow blade-silver edge item build it can work for your bracket very nicely.



            Drows a strong rat and ganking hero mid game. Dont take this late.


              Blink Drow > SB Drow
              however for early game ratting and in general i think Windranger is much better, tower pushing, good laning, less counterable.

              the racecar SnY MoM Blink Drow was so good, I haven't played her yet with the nerf on MoM

              Dire Wolf

                Drow stays viable. I think drow mid will start to suffer right around 3500 once enemy teams start to focus on ganking mid. Around 3k they hardly ever gank mid, but you notice it happening a lot more mid 3ks. And it's not like they will kill you, you can easily avoid the gank by backing up but it will kill your farm, keep you from pushing the tower hard.

                But safelane and offlane drow becoming a mid game hero and a pusher always works if you're good at it.


                  I have been afraid to to pick her since the nerf to MoM