General Discussion

General DiscussionGanking with Witch Doctor

Ganking with Witch Doctor in General Discussion

    I was playing Witch Doctor recently, supporting a Spirit Breaker in offlane. We had Tinker mid and PA safelane supported by a Lina.

    Long story short, while the SB was in base I noticed an opportunity to gank, the other team was close to our tower in safelane and I had full mana and HP. So I TP'ed into the tier 2 and went into the jungle to gank without being seen by the other team. I was yelled at by my team to leave the lane and was told that WD is not a ganker.

    I was under the impression that any support (especially ones with stuns) were useful for ganking and setting up skills. It was a low MMR game so I have no idea whether to trust my team or not. I ended up just leaving the lane and wasting my time because of the yelling. Did I make a bad move here? Is it a bad idea to gank with Witch Doctor?

    casual gamer

      wd is one of the best gankers in the very early game (level 1-3) and can easily kill people once he gets his ultimate

      while its better to gank with a friend (and a smoke!) it's very possible to get kills for your lanes solo as WD

      dont listen to the haters :p

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      Pom Pom 🍕

        he's normally not the most reliable ganker before level 6 (cask random bounces), but he's not too bad. Most supports are good gankers though, you're right about that (but omni and abaddon for example can be really weak since they lack ranged disables). It's better for supports to roam and gank lanes than leech an offlaner's or carry's xp all the time.


          Thanks for confirming that for me. The PA and Lina were some of the most toxic players, asking for help and calling us a shit team in the same sentence.

          Also thanks for reminded me about smoking, no-one ever buys it at 1k MMR so I forget how useful it is.