General Discussion

General DiscussionStrength treads vs agility treads

Strength treads vs agility treads in General Discussion
The Ice Truck Killer

    At what point does agility treads give more EHP against physical attacks than strength treads do. Too lazy to do the calculation and I'm sure someone here already knows this!

    EDIT: 2280 hp I think.
    Each (positive) point of armour gives 60hp on every 1k hp.
    Strenght treads gives (a maximum) 131 hp
    Agility Treads give 1.26 armour which is roughly 75hp for every 1k hp you have.

    171/75 gives a factor of 2.28 so would I be right in saying after 2280hp, agility treads give more EHP against physical attacks?

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    casual gamer

      depends on how much armor you have

      at some point dps becomes more important than hp, this is when you switch on agi carries

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        Krazy Kat

          summoning relentless . . .


            str always better unless u 1v1 physical carry. keep in mind spells dgaf about armour

            but the difference is so minimal just use str

            agi for farm
            int for cast
            str for everything else.

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              Your question is just which tanks more physical dmg. The answer is that it depends on your hp remaining (not total hp when full), and armor. Your armor with treads on STR modifies the +9 STR so it is worth EHP =171hp x(1+ armor 0.06). The AGI gain would give you 1.26 more armor which modifying your hp remaining. So the gain in EHP = hp-remaining(1+1.26x0.06).

              But also keep in mind switching to STR treads after you get low is not very hepful because you only get a % of the stat gain as hp.

              You need a ton of hp, and low armor before having AGI treads is more tanky.
              Here are some examples.

              1000 hp, 10 armor ________________ 100 hp left out of 1000 total, 10 armor
              AGI EHP = 1676 ________________ AGI EHP = 168
              STR EHP = 1874 ________________ STR EHP = 434 (if you started with them on, then got nuked down)
              ________________________________ STR EHP = 187 (if you try to switch when already low)

              2000 hp, 5 armor __________ 3000 hp, 3 armor
              AGI EHP = 2751 __________ AGI EHP = 3767
              STR EHP = 2822 __________ STR EHP = 3742

              In summary, MARLAN is correct. Just use agi to farm/attack, INT to cast, and STR anytime you are not attacking or casting. STR is always tankier because you never get to several thousand hp and still have no armor. And also you need it on STR when the dmg starts to get the full value, switching when low doesn't do much. It might save you, but only if you live with less than 50 hp.

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                ^ there you are


                  And extra note, in case my (leave them on EHP is confusing). In that case you are at 100 hp, having already tanked more to get to that point. That is the sense in which you had 434 EHP.


                    when you see agi treads it's mostly because they're regening with bottle or something


                      agi to hit
                      str to run
                      agi to heal
                      int to cast
                      agi to tank? sometimes i do it


                        just to put it out there, i would die tons of times more if i didnt treads switch. This because i like to live on the edge and im always at very low hp still contrinutnig or tanking or making space!

                        tip: turn on str whenever you hear a skill activate and you're not looking :p

                        ive gotten so many random sniper ultis with no escape mechanisms and not died because i run on agi, heal more hp and turn it on str as the missile is landing