General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do 5ks all pick ember in ranked?

Why do 5ks all pick ember in ranked? in General Discussion
casual gamer

    i thought the general consensus was that he was not that great

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      us east, thats why!

      we also told you the reason the hero is still played is because of SA players... guess US included too!


        ember is good if they dont pick a mid like storm qop.

        i love u butt

          tell that to Ferrari


            hes good vs UD
            anti push + split push + zombie clear

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              the game vg won (i think) against c9? was because of bad play from c9 and not because ember did good. They just threw hard and paid for it! They didn't have the balls to risk it all in an early push fight and just slow sieged tier 3's and rax which is the best scenario for ember, slow ez farm and mass spam.

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                  no one watching my strea<m :(


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