General Discussion

General Discussionnoob question about blademail

noob question about blademail in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    ok it says reflects all damage back to attacker. But sometimes the bearer dies. I'm confused. If most of the attackers are physical how can the bearer die? Can anybody provide me the math? I remember the old blademail was 80% returned?

    Was in a game last time. we basically 1v5 this LC multiple times with life steal and crap. I did get some return damage yet I also life steal too so yea.

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      it's 100% return of the hp you lost, after reductions etc

      let's say a 300 damage nuke hits you, after reductions it does 225 damage - you reflect back exactly 225 (pure) damage to the attacker

      it does not prevent you from taking damage, all it does is make the attacker take the same damage as you (unless he/she has magic immunity)




          This is not Spiked Carapace, lol.