General Discussion

General Discussion''Not that hero in party button''

''Not that hero in party button'' in General Discussion

    So I've been playing alot of LOL, and finally trancsended to dota 2!
    one thing that is frustrating as hell is techies...
    Not playing against him, but playing with him in pubs.. even solo ranked.
    He's an awesome hero and I like the idea of him and just him in general.. But I feel like it's a 4v5 all game, and think it is more of a ''troll/I wanna have some fun for myself.. screw if we win'' hero.. (ofc. not in premade, where he is awesome)

    I have seen good techies who really made a difference, but I genuinely feel that he is hurting the game more than helping.
    Which is why I think we should have an option to not be able to play with a certain hero on your team.. (NOT enemy team)
    But yeah.. More like a BAN HERO buttom when you queue.

    Any thoughts?

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        ^ this.

        mines hit towers... take note of how many times your techies even sees an enemy tower... if it's <5, you fucking lost friend... At my shitty assed level you can see techies put like 10+ remotes in rosh for the rampage dream (which bothers me cos like 5, even without aghs, should be enough in a whole load of situations...) ... and never leave your side of the map after T1 towers are gone... most infuriating hero to play with on your team. when they have no clue...

        Ain't nobody got time for 80+ minute losses.

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          i think random draft in ranked would be good
          (techie fan lol)


            Problem with other lobbies than Ranked All Pick is that it's too easy to abuse them to climb MMR. That's why Single Draft is no longer in ranked MM. I also woudn't mind that lobby where u can ban 1 hero. I would ban fucking Mario in every game.


              Good techies are agressives.

              Bad techies stay at his side of the map setting bombs to wait a 5 man push and do a rampage.

              So, basically, you can do a good suport with techies, you force other teams suports to buy sentrys and gems all game long, also you can block runes, paths and shops.

              Even all that things, you can do a great team fight, putting a stun, a mine and a suicide, that is enough to do like 5 seconds stun and 1.5k damage.

              Anyway its a situtional hero, me and my team were owning a game with like 33-2, but we were all melee heros, axe, bristle, void and etc. So, how you can imagine, melee heros do NOTHING against a good techies, because you cant break mines. So that is when you pick techies.

              But... that is just a dream, pubs techies always stay back trying to defending till game ends and hoping for a Godlike streak and rampage :D


                What’s the point? Your teammates are going to play as bad as their rating is, no matter what hero they play.


                  playing the correct way badly is a wholely different thing than playing the wrong way well, is a wholely different thing than fucking techies pickers at 2k D:

                  waku waku

                    most of "good" techies try too hard to put mines in wrong place and miss their opportunity to do a 5 man rampage