General Discussion

General DiscussionGPM with hard lane PA solo play style items VHS

GPM with hard lane PA solo play style items VHS in General Discussion

    Well this is a game with no-dagger headdress PA build.

    I played solo farming and pushing lanes instead of team fight. Got about same GPM as everyone else.

    My starting lane was hard lane with Necro vs Sniper and Lion. TA never ganked.

    I think it is OK. Nothing special but not bad either.


      400 gpm is not acceptable as pa

      it is NOT ok, you did especially bad and i bet it was party because thats the only place you encounter people that play this bad and are still catalogued very high skill

      King of Low Prio

        this proves smurf players have downs, that is about it


          It was one two man stack in each team.

          I dont understand why it is bad when I get the same GPM as the rest of the team, when the game ends during the mid phase and it is in this 6.84 patch in which farming has been nerfed. And I started on the hard lane.

          I played solo.

          Also, I sucked at lasthitting this game. Since I have been tired since I woke up this morning etc.

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            i got cancer


              nice daedalus
              "no-dagger headdress PA build" wat


                400gpm is totally fine on an _offlane_ PA. On a carry PA it'd be pretty bad tho. The actual question is: Why did you offlane a PA when you could've picked a better offlaner (e.g. Tide) and contributed a lot more to the win?

                Also your skill (you can farm with dagger...) and item (daedalus, really?) choices are very questionable. In that particular game it has worked out because the enemy team was apparently pretty bad, but I wouldn't expect that to work in a regular game without bad players.


                  ^you must be new here

                  casual gamer

                    450 gpm on a hard carry is not what you want to be having

                    also ur creeps/min is absolutely unacceptable for a split pushing playstyle

                    when u split push you get huge gold gains, especially if you get travels (which you should if thats the style you want to play)

                    you could get prob 10+ cs/min, even on bfuryless pa

                    btw there is 0 reason to buy daedalus if ur going for tower/creep push doto


                      I only see you having the worst hero damage, xpm, second worst gpm and sub-par tower damage in your team. I fail to see, where is that OK.

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        I have looked at many of ppl pa on there list and all of them are around 450 gpm so stop talking bullshit.
                        Look at your stats before you type shit.
                        JDF8 510 GPM

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                          Look at shit you type, before typing shit. That stat includes lost games, while there's a won one. Also, the problem here isn't even gpm.

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            "450 gpm on a hard carry is not what you want to be having" - JDF8
                            dsnt matter win or loss, losing cuz didnt farm enough or get enough kills


                              The more I go up in mmr, the more I realsie how stupid I was.

                              This tread just proves how people can be delusional.

                              casual gamer

                                ya i have almost as much gpm on pa as you have as tiny

                                the difference is that i dont have 400 pa games ROFL

                                casual gamer

                                  oh wait

                                  well over half of those games were when i was normal skill

                                  the last time i played pa in a >10 minute game i had 680 gpm



                                    I wanted to go PA offlane since I wanted to auto attack more or less the entire game since it was after bed time and I was ver tired. But I didnt do much pushing. Mostly farming jungle and lanes.

                                    Deadulus has about the same DPS as Desolator during the early game. Much more in the late game and is not an orb. It also increase the chances to kill someone with two hits.

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      I was not saying u have shitty gpm, I was saying that you shouldn't say that kappa gpm is bad when urs not too far away or average gpm is not too far away.


                                        There's a dude in here that build arcane boots and mask of madness on Tinker and he didn't lose. Is that legit too?



                                          I bet your GMP would have been better if you had gone daggers first, if you are trying to farm VS a tri lane what do you think is better a shorter cool down on blink strike, or the ability to last hit 2/3rds of the creeps from a safe distance. and 450 GPM is nothing to brag about, not if you are pushing and killing creeps the whole time instead of joining fights.

                                          If the whole point of this build is to kill towers faster rather then joining fights how can you say that an item that gives you a 30% dps increase VS towers (deso) will give you less damage in the late game then an item that gives you a 0% dps increase VS towers (Daedalus), U CANT CRIT TOWERS.

                                          if you really want to split push why not pick a hero who has one or more of the following.
                                          1) has an ability that lets them reliable escape even semi reliably (phantom strikeing to a creep when blur turns off is not reliable)
                                          2) has an ability that lets them instantly kill creep waves
                                          3) has an ability that in some way amplifies their damage VS towers
                                          4) can swap between lanes easily

                                          Sure PA is good at 1v1ing if 1 guy comes to defend. But there are other good 1v1 heroes who actually have more then one thing on that list. if you want to split push with an unconventional hero, at least pick someone who brings something to the table. Try TA, or storm spirit, or QoP, or razor, or beast master or just go with the conventional shadow shaman/brood/NP/DP. PA makes no sense as a split pusher, headdress doesn't help you push (creeps die in the same # of tower shots), and no daggers is just gimping your farm from the start of the game.

                                          this PA build will never be good, it will never be OK, there is always a different hero who does what it does better, and it doesn't play to any of PA's strengths. When you win games with it, you could have won easier with a different hero or build.

                                          rant over, read it, think about it, stop making posts about this PA build.

                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                            seriously if this guy is not a troll my faith in humanity is forever lost


                                              fuking pa offlane

                                              edit dude just because it can work doesnt mean its optimal in any way
                                              i can probably offlane wisp with spirits and manage to not die once, problem is you won't have farm
                                              most offlaner can either farm vs a trilane, farm ancients, or just flash farm after laning phase and catch up, or just function well without items
                                              pa meets none of those criteria lol

                                              But ya props for winning on it rofl i would talk mad sh*t in allchat if i won with pa offlane
                                              this better be a troll

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                *lowest hero damage*
                                                "split pushing PA" not highest tower damage, if it was close it'd be understandable yet TA did so much more work than you
                                                You won that game on the basis your team could win 4vs5 without you


                                                  The Number 12

                                                  I think you might be right since I did do a build that is designed for a 3v1 safe lane or 1v1 lane. That is how much I cared of that game.

                                                  "If the whole point of this build is to kill towers faster rather then joining fights how can you say that an item that gives you a 30% dps increase VS towers (deso) will give you less damage in the late game then an item that gives you a 0% dps increase VS towers (Daedalus), U CANT CRIT TOWERS."

                                                  The point is to do a hybrid between pushing/ratting and late game carry. Desolator is still a good choice. But is it less flexible and less usefull in the late game since it only scale well against buildings. And Daedalus do have a damage increase vs towers in the sense that this item also increase the damage from other items, which Desolator also do ofc. (well, didnt know U CANT CRIT TOWERS). And I am not only trying to do damage vs towers.

                                                  "if you really want to split push why not pick a hero who has one or more of the following."

                                                  I play for fun you know. Some people actually do that. Not to get high MMR that I can bragg about.
                                                  If I wanted to bragg I would tell you more about my IRL.

                                                  Dont forget this: PA cant be seen on the map if she is alone. This might be her best ratting skill of all.

                                                  "stop making posts about this PA build. "

                                                  As long as people comment I will NEVER stop.



                                                    "dude just because it can work doesnt mean its optimal in any way"

                                                    OK, now thell me something that I did not know.

                                                    That's Numberwang!

                                                    I guess you didnt read all of my posts so I will just not care to answer.


                                                      "Dont forget this: PA cant be seen on the map if she is alone. This might be her best ratting skill of all."

                                                      It does barely anything to help her rat, when people see a wave pushing on the mini map they just move their screen over it to check for PA, you might get a tier 1 early on because of this if you push in the middle of a team fight when people are distracted and don't expect a PA to be going for a tower, but aside from that its only going to do anything against incompetent players. I would be surprised if it actually fooled anyone over mid 2k.

                                                      "Desolator is still a good choice. But is it less flexible and less usefull in the late game since it only scale well against buildings."

                                                      It has the same % scaling against players as it does against buildings, and it adds the same overall % to your DPS that deadalus does, (since you cant crit on crits) normally Daedalus adds 35% but on PA its only 29.7% as opposed to deso's 29.6%. however deso is much cheaper, sure you can argue that deadalus gives you a larger increase in flat damage, per item slot, but you haven't been truly 6 slotted in a single one of your PA games, so that's not something you need to worry about until it starts becoming an issue.

                                                      "I play for fun you know. Some people actually do that. Not to get high MMR that I can bragg about."

                                                      If the reason you use this build is that you find it fun, not that you think its good, then your posts should read more like "Look at my unoptimized PA build I use for fun" you shouldn't spend time trying to convince people that the build is actually good. the reason that people are salty towards you is that you keep trying to push this build like its viable. If you had admitted from the start it was bad and that you just played it to be different no one would have a problem.

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                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        I hope this is a troll because if it's not then it's just beyond stupid.


                                                          you can't go offlane pa and not skill dagger , it is essential cuz you can actually get gold in offlane + the slow can save your ass sometimes