General Discussion

General DiscussionConfidence in your team.

Confidence in your team. in General Discussion

    I feel a lot of players who are dropping or losing their edge on the game tend to take it out a lot on the player they're with. A lot of players I keep track of on my friends list never move or fluctuate rapidly and I feel that subconsciously a lot of them almost expect to be carried.

    Ever since I have started grinding solo about a 2-3 weeks ago almost exclusively I have experienced the pain that a lot of you have and have had to deal with a lot of "4K trash" or "mid or feed" types. I have to deal with people doing dumb things all through the game or being forced into picking heroes I am not confident with, or I don't think suit that particular game but that's part of how the game is.

    I was watching one of my amigos who sits at about 6.6K play his game and there were somethings I noticed.

    > There was no shit talking over meta hero picks.
    > There was none, or very little aggravation coming from players overall.
    > Everyone played hard till the last, no one gave up and "AFK farmed".

    For people in lower brackets there's a tendency to say, want mid but when someone else calls it you will tend to be more eager to put him down or jeer him because you want him to know that you are the better mid and he should have let you. You consistently call out his mistakes, and "Well Played" him at every opportunity.

    This puts a lot of unnecessary animosity between players with some siding with you against the mid, and some telling you to "S T F U & Play" and it makes not only for bad blood, but can cause the team to fall apart with players doing stuff on their own cause they don't want to play with the team and it can easily cause losses.

    I feel people need to be more constructive, and more trusting of the players in their bracket even if you're 100, or even 400 rating above your piers, or feel they're all trash and you're the only good one in that game still maintain the confidence in your team that you can do it. My games have been rough sometimes, I have been salty about being paired with three 4k's but for the majority of games, keeping quite, and calmly suggesting things like Roshan, tower pushes etc. has proved to be quite effective and even with a loss doesn't effect you further cause you're not all heated up.

    I can imagine what a lot of you go through where game after game you're negative, rage at your team mates, and basically think you're entire team is a bunch of apes. This is the culture that breeds really unprofitable game play, and would wear me down and effect how I played if I was taking my same shitty attitude into every game consecutively. If you want to make it into a higher bracket it's as much of a culture change as it is a skill change.

    Start playing with a level head, take losses with a grain of salt, take victories graciously. Just stay quiet throughout the game and only use the chat will to encourage not to be a snide little shit cause really, who are you to call out players in your bracket? Everyone fucks up, every sucks sometimes, I more than anyone know this after 8000 games. Learn to improve your attitude as much as you want to improve your game play.

    Just some thoughts and mussing.

    TL;DR If you want to climb you have to improve, not only your game play but your attitude. Culture change is important if you want to maintain your bracket or move from the one you're in. Behave for the MMR you want, not the MMR you have.

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      this is very true for the most part, but sometimes i just dont feel like being nice to the guy who says "mid or feed", instalocks sf, goes 0 5 very fast and proceeds to spam >Well played!.
      he will just play bad all game because supports didn't magically have tp at min 1:30 or some other dumb reason and he will think he is right.

      but if you really want to climb, you have to deal with this kind of shit, just mute/ignore and even then try to cooperate (save him/buy him a tp when he need) because you are not doing it for him, but for yourself actually, to win.


        He's one of those people that I mentioned above, all you have to do is make sure that you're not one of them and you move past it.


          Pretty much, raging gets you nowhere. You have nothing to gain by making enemies with your team.
          People who have high MMR generally want to win more and try to avoid destructive behavior.

          I always comment on bad play and call everyone retarded (including myself) while playing doto, yet I do so out loud (in solitude) and not in game chat.

          My psychiatrist says I can not be helped.

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            ^sounds like a lot of fun lel

            Jesus Perez Ramirez

              > There was no shit talking over meta hero picks.

              Answer: "Bcoz ppl actually know what to pick and what is complete garbage vs enemies pick" ? (noobs can pick 5 int vs voker etc)...

              > There was none, or very little aggravation coming from players overall.

              Answer: "Because they can LOSE a lot if they do, which has no place in scrub core"

              > Everyone played hard till the last, no one gave up and "AFK farmed".

              Answer: "Because there is a point in the game with competent people, who understand the basics of the game and mechanics. There is no hope playin with idiots on lower bracket, bcoz they will LOSE no matter what and wasting 1h of life just to toxicate your brain with negative hormones is just BAD way of spending time."

              Any more questions ?


                All of the above applies to you.

                > You don't know how to pick properly
                > You lose more because you behave like a scrub in scrub core
                > One of the idiots in your game is you. If you decide it's a waste of time then that's your loss.

                You're no better than the people in your bracket. Even if you're climbing each bracket is your bracket till you move on from there, you shouldn't feel in a position to call people out.

                Like I said a lot of people who have climbed will attest to it being an attitude change more than anything else. Remaining in a stable state actually helps you identify ways in which you can win even with a sub optimal team, or team players.


                  best tip = don't be an ass


                    Just please, when someone fails don't say shit to him, be quiet. I went 0-3 in my last game and I hear someone saying "this is your first storm game right?" I don't even wait for him to finish and I instantly mute everyone including opponents and play my own game. I don't want to hear how much I suck, because I already know that, it just makes things worse. If you want to say something at least say something useful, what could I've done better or just shut up, if you can't say anything useful. When you're trash talking someone it's like you're asking this guy to throw the game on purpose.


                      ^I think that's true, so I just simply help the guy who is having a bad time try and win the lane with ganks or something. Shit talking people never helps and it only aggravates you further.


                        ^ Yeah, that's what I usually do, too.

                        But even when I mute people it's hard to stay cool and I can't help myself and constantly think about what are they saying about me.

                        e: thank god i started playing supports
                        nobody says a word when they get wards, shared tangoes and early game smoke ganks even when i fuck shit up later

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                        Jesus Perez Ramirez

                          "All of the above applies to you. " i just value my time. If you want to play shitty games go and do. Dont force other to it. Lel, ps. i play all time random no matter of mode. And pick always first so team can pick rest of the needed heros. :) GL HF ure scrub :)

                          ps. never lost a game when i was a captain so that means something xD

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                          Quick maffs

                            Well, lately the one feeding is me so yeah no chances of me flaming anyone