General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I get better in dota?

How do I get better in dota? in General Discussion

    Let me tell you how I play 1 game. It's gonna be a liitle bit wordy (and a lot of 'I'). (I'm kind of bored so I really need to talk (or write) to someone...)

    I find match. AP - SEA - English. I got a game. I check my teammates and my enemies' profiles (commends, etc) to know it will likely be an easy or a hard game. I try to be nice. I pick the remaining position and try to counter my enemies. I always carry tp in case I want to help my teammate. I pull. I stack. I farm. I run around the map. I listen to them. I propose my plan. I follow their plan. I try to use my skills in clash. I focus on objectives and tell them to do so. I try to stick with them. Sometimes I tell jokes. I never blame. I win, I lose, I stay positive. I listen to music too (SEA server has no mic-communication). If someone feed like shit, I tell myself, he is gonna meet me again, on the other team.

    But there are games making me cry to myself, "why did I lose?". I hate that feeling. It's confusing, impotent, disable, etc. I feel like I should delete dota. We have advantages. No one dives. No one feeds. We stick. We clash. We lose... I hate it.

    So how do I avoid games like that? How do I get better at dota?

    Also it would be really fun if you can look at my profile and tell me some advices or anything ^_^

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      guides/streams, get useful habits like abusing pt when casting spells, keep timings for everything, etc. stay positive and you'll succeed.


        ^ can u get me a list of useful habits like that? Sometimes I do but sometimes I don't. I think I need to write them down and learn then I can remember forever lol.

        ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

          ^^timings are for fucking retards like zerpher.blitz who will never make it to ti

          Last picking is 4 pussies

            Make friends and party up from the sounds of things.

            I'm Fucking Back!

              git gud or delete it noob. No one cares. SEA shit server is the lowest skill level server anyways.


                ^ no one cares if you just die anw.

                I'm Fucking Back!

                  "I check my teammates and my enemies' profiles (commends, etc) to know it will likely be an easy or a hard game."

                  ROFLMAO. Just made my day. More commendations = higher mmr confirmed. Kappa

                  inb4 "Shit me have 50 commendations in total. Dat noob only got 10 tang ina mo bobo. Although we same MMR, me better cuz more commends Kappa Keepo DansGame. Dis sum high quality sht right dere. All report pls no commends"

                  "I find match. AP - SEA - English. I got a game. I all chat jajaja viva la peru. I sit behind my carry for 20 minutes trying to deny (Kappa) and wonder why I lose."



                    ^^ I really don't want to talk with you sir. I just want to make myself clear here. More commedations mean they do get attention from their teammates, mean they do communicate, and communicate well, so they are nice, so the game is easy, comfortable. That's all sir. Thank you for you opinion sir.

                    I'm Fucking Back!

                      At least you're behaving like the lil btch that you are this time unlike your last comment so I'll let you off the hook for now.


                        Zing - I know 6k+ players who have less commendations than my 2.5k friend (he has like 250 commends). Commends mean literally nothing.


                          @Justin Bieber Sorry I just get mad b/c of your name... Don't take it seriously ^_^

                          @imprecis may be sometimes it doesn't work, but in my (short) experience, players (same mmr) with higher commends are likely to play better or at least, be nice :D


                            I bet Eternal Envy has a lot of commends cause he's such a nice guy.


                              You're basically asking "how do I avoid bad luck?"

                              ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                ^^Havoc giff 100 comm showoff pic or rito


                                  Why the smurf account anyway

                                  And your description of how you play DOTA is too good to be true :P
                                  Maybe its how you want to play DOTA, but I bet you get ragey sometimes xx (You're not human if you don't)


                                    ^ This is my main account (the account which I play the most games, right?). I come from Defense of the Ancients.

                                    Out of 44 ranked games I have played, I may have got mad in 2 or 3 of them (due to the fcking ES throw 2 divine reapers to ember spirit...) but I managed to hide it behind the screen until the end of game. The rest of the description is kind of true. If there is something I want but I can't get, it may be personal skill, like how to control the pointer so fast or how to use so many buttons at the same time (that's why I don't play tinker...)


                                      Zing it looks like you are a fairly talented dota player with some experience. What is your objective?

                                      If you want to improve your skills, I can make recommendations for what to practice.

                                      If you want to max out your MMR, I can figure out the most likely path to success.

                                      If you want to enjoy the game more, I can tell you how to find and keep friends who play with you, remain positive and try to win.


                                        i think china is a better server to play on if ur sea


                                          @Relentless Let say I want to improve my ability to win a game (which will help me to max out my MMR, right?). What can you figure out for me? ^_^ Btw I always enjoy dota, I have played it for 6 years, with or without friends ^_^

                                          @murs How do we play in China server? (perfect world right?) I don't see it in the options.


                                            Zing, can you show a main account? This smurf doesn't have much data on it to judge strengths and weaknesses accurately.


                                              ^ lol this is my main account (as I said above). may be you can get back to me later when I've played 2000 games.


                                                Oh did you play dota 1 for a long time I guess? Oh yeah I see where you wrote that now.

                                                Well in that case I will say that your dazzle is excellent and will continue to win a lot of games in this patch. Dazzle may not do as well in the new patch however. I expect there to be more silences and burst dmg used rather than physical dps so Dazzles skillset becomes harder to execute and weave less relevant.

                                                Your Spectre is also doing quite well and he has received some buffs. Radiance is going to be stronger in 6.84 and Haunt more versatile. To get the maximum power out of the hero you should learn to play with refresher. It's a little known, but extremely powerful build for spectre that makes haunt so powerful you can teamwipe the enemy by yourself.

                                                For details on what you might be able to improve I will need to watch a game or two and I can't do that now.

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                                                  I decided to watch a Spectre game to see what might be improved.

                                                  I played over 300 games of Spectre in dota 1 before switching over so its one of my favorite carries.

                                                  Your lasthitting skills are solid. You are able to move to position safely instead of standing on the creep wave as some do making themselves easy to gank. You rarely require animation cancelling to correct your timing. However, I think you might be able to improve by putting some thought into the value of denies to limit the offlaner's xp growth, and to control the lane so it is safer for you farm and more dangerous for the enemy. You almost never even attempted denies though you clearly have to skill to get plenty of them.

                                                  You make good use of consumables, staying on the lane safely to keep up your farm instead of retreating. Phase boots are certainly the best choice for Spectre. I see that you get them every game until trading for BoT late game.

                                                  I recommend getting one value point in dispersion early. And I would level dagger level 1 every game. This is because the surest way to get a FB for your team is a slow and surest way to avoid giving one up is an escape move. The value point in dispersion is like a free stout shield against lane harassment. It allows you to farm in a more difficult lane. In this particular game, if you got one point in dispersion you would not have died at 6 min when killing gryo.

                                                  As I'm sure you know it is essential for Spectre to remain farming as much as possible and collect early kills in such a way that farming is minimally interrupted. Haunt is perfect for this. I see you have that basic play style figured out. I also see that you use consumables to keep your hp up while rushing radiance rather than making the mistake of putting down a ton of cash on permanent regen items.

                                                  You have good situational awareness, but again if you got a value point in dispersion you would see less downside on the risks you take. You die playing aggressively early, not really because you are too aggressive, but because you don't have dispersion. You must get at least one point. I usually max dispersion or desolate depending on how aggressive or defensive I need to be. But just have the first value point in dagger for escapes. Spectral Dagger sucks as a nuke, if you can't get the kill with right clicks a tiny bit more dmg from another level of dagger is not going to get it either. The important thing with spectre is to stay alive and keep farming.

                                                  Your relic time was 18:30, which is decent for a "High" level game, but bad for your true skill level lasthitting. You got it slowly because you died 3 times. Don't die, keep farming. Judicious use of haunt finishes radiance at 21 min on some assist gold. Anyway, getting radiance at 21 min in this level of game means you have pretty much already won. From this point on the game is trivially easy.

                                                  I see you doing a good job of juking in an out and back into fights. That is the most effective way to make use of spectre's skill set and top item picks. This game you got deadlus instead of diffusal. This is a much weaker build than diffusal even though it costs far more. For example, when at 35 min your illusion does 7 attacks on Kunka before he can kill the illusion, one of them crits for 43 dmg instead of the regular 27 dmg...pretty underwhelming. But diffusal would have hit him all 7 times for a total of 175 extra dmg and 175 mana burn too.

                                                  Your normal item progression yasha to manta to diffusal makes sense in a game where you team won the laning phase. If your team is losing, consider switching to diffusal first, and doing some ganks mid-game to turn it around.

                                                  Late game, refresher is the most powerful item for Spectre because if you use it sequentially it doubles your desolate, doubles your radiance burn, doubles your diffusal burn... it can truly teamwipe people while you just click 3 buttons. Haunt, Refresh, Haunt. I've gotten rampages this way while not even looking.

                                                  Oh one other important point. I may have missed it because I went through the game pretty fast, while eating. But I did not see you do any inventory checks. It's important to know what both teams are building. You should check inventories throughout the game to know what to expect and be able to start countering or synergizing as appropriate asap.

                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                    I would totally try to denie more and do inventory check. Thank you so much to point that out.
                                                    About item choice, I have little knowledge on subtle details. I think I will have to read more guides. Thank you sir.
                                                    Btw, that game with spec they have noob kunkka, so it's really easy for us to win. And in ranked game I normally play supp - remaining pos. I play offlane and carry only when my team has none.


                                                      ^ and yes it's my alt acc

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                                                        5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                          i talked with relentless about it and he said improving is kind of a myth

                                                          i mean yea, u can get better just by spamming games, but ur never going to be the next arteezy, sumail, etc. they can see things/anticipate/click faster than u can, and there's nothing u can do about it. it's just natural talent after a certain point

                                                          at some point u hit ur limit and the ratio of time committed to improvement is absurdly high (you might play a thousand ranked solo games to get a measly 800 mmr like I did), so it's not worth the effort

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                                                              Kitrak, I have no doubt that your feel good, have fun, and relax technique is excellent for you. This is in fact the same basic technique used by all superstar athletes to raise their game. That is because for very talented people the only thing that really holds them back is their mood. If they are upset (on tilt in dota lingo) they play much worse. But if they are happy, carefree their vast natural talent causes them to win almost no matter what other decisions they make. Their choices, their plans are intuitively felt, not meticulously controlled.

                                                              I can see from your stats that you are this type of person. That's great for you. Keep doing it and enjoy playing and winning lots of games. But don't worry about the rest of us who can't do that. It doesn't upset us the way it would you if you were clumsy and slow. Sure we would like to be fast and daring, but its not a core part of who we are. So it's not really that disappointing when we can't do it.

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                                                                One of the reason I like to play dota is that decision making and logical thinking can partially make up for the lack of personal skills. I can't click fast but I know where I will have to click, so I just move the pointer to it sooner ^_^


                                                                  Yes, I enjoy the prediction aspect of it also. I win my games mostly based on knowing what people will do before they do it. I think often I know what players will do before they have even decided themselves. Because of this playstyle map vision is very important to me. I buy a huge number of wards. I often get wards even if I am the carry.

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                                                                    ^ and what do you do if your enemies know how to deward...?

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                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      some of my fav ward spots are never dewarded by 4ks, I only ever see them deward runes unless they have gem. which they never buy for some baffling reason


                                                                        real warding and dewarding is beyond 4k comprehension.
                                                                        i rarely see a 4k player actually plce lane wards or some actually good wards in uncommon spots.
                                                                        usually its the river and in-the-middle-of-the-wood wards.


                                                                          I have played about 5,000 games on support heroes. Ward spots have changed over the years, but the basic principles remain the same. Usually, based on the MMR level of the game I can predict where the wards will be and where deward attempts will occur. But if I am mistaken, I just switch to new spots. If you watch the map a lot you will notice when your ward is killed and also where enemy supports have warded.

                                                                          Rarely someone does a ward placement I did not know. If I can't figure it out in-game I watch the replay to see what they did.

                                                                          If you are really struggling in a deward-war try using qblade to create new options for ward locations. People never search where its normally impossible to put a ward, although they just see it incidentally with gem.

                                                                          I usually start the game with "greedy" ward spots that give more aggressive vision but are easier to find. If that doesn't work out I will switch to hard to de-ward spots so we can at least see something.

                                                                          Glimmer cape is going to add a whole new dimension to the support game since it will now be far easier to evade obs ward detection while warding and ganking. I'm going to rush glimmer on a lot of supports now instead of fstaff. Correct ward placement is not merely the "where" but the "how" and the "when". Wards should be placed in such a way that the enemy does not see you do it. Glimmer cape makes that so much easier.

                                                                          Another key part of vision control was made dramatically easier by this patch - that is stacking obs and sentries in one slot. To control map vision well you need to be carrying obs and sentries around to use opportunistically. If you don't then your movements are inefficient and riskier. Often you are prevented from following up a kill with an extra tower or a tower with and extra pick-off because you did not already have ward vision prepared.

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