General Discussion

General DiscussionSocket 775 Quadcore

Socket 775 Quadcore in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    Alright guys, i should have figured that this is harder to find than i thought. Does anyone here have a quadcore CPU for the 775 socket?

    I would even settle with a q6600 for now.

    Giff me Wingman

      Hell, if you have a Q9000 or Q9100 for socket p, i'd stream on my laptop.



        just change socket imo, sell your current mobo and ram and get an i3 or some amd quad core

        the realm's delight

          what happened to 'if blunt is 6k' lmao =)

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          Giff me Wingman

            i sure as hell won't be able to stream with i3 shit LoL!

            also i would prefer to see of i can get an old core 2 quad first. I really don't want to buy new Mobo, Ram and CPU. In the worst case scenario i will have to drive to my mothers place where i got other PC's standing, but i really hate driving for 3 hours.

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              Holy hell that shit is old, I think I have an e6580 in dusty box somewhere but even then my sweet lord its from like 6 years ago.

              Giff me Wingman

                I already have an E6550 in it atm, but dualcore and stream is naht working.


                  Those old quadcores still have some price, but in your place id get i5 4460, 8gigs of ddr3 and new cheap h81/85 mobo.


                    ^ I have i5 4460, never buy this shit. Barely got 75-80 fps in teamfights lel.


                      Yeah, but not because cpu, but shitty graphics :D I5 is strong enough to run practically anything atm at least descently. What gpu do you have dude?


                        ^ Nope, my GPU is really good. With a better CPU I'd have 200-250~ fps.
                        I have Dual Vapor-X OC Radeon R9 270 OC'ed at 1150 MHz 2 GB DDR5 256 bits.

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                          I've got R9 280 and it's still shit compared to what Sheever has. She's got fucken GTX 980 :)) Now go cry.


                            Im with LGA775 socket Q6600 atm (4.00ghz) ( on GA-EP45-UD3P mobo of course)

                            this beast never stops surprising me


                              ATI cards always give the performance on paper but perform badly in games vs their nvidia counterparts. The 270 was sort of a joke as far as cards were concerned cause it was basically just a 7870 and didn't scale well with options in it's same line. For example...

                              ...a 760GTX would have out performed that card by a long shot, I even used one for a long time on 1920x1200 maxed out with little to no framerate loss even on peak. Dota2 isn't really that demanding and if you're losing frames to a point of it being nearly unplayable then something else is the matter settings wise and you might have to go through trial and error to find out what it is.


                                It helps if you install gpu and chipset drivers sometimes xD

                                CSLNG | Yacenukerdron93

                                  yo blunt try find a Q9650 this beast will handle everything without even OCing it

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    I had a QX9650, i was so happy and it was OCed to 4.75ghz :(


                                      They were the best cpu's in a freaking long time and they still do the job although they're old as fuck.

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                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        agreed, that's the only reason why i didn't upgrade yet. And now it's ded ~.~


                                          i have a gtx 980

                                          me and sheever are gpu buddies


                                            4.75GHz? Why do you lie?

                                            "...a 760GTX would have out performed that card by a long shot, I even used one for a long time on 1920x1200 maxed out with little to no framerate loss even on peak. Dota2 isn't really that demanding and if you're losing frames to a point of it being nearly unplayable then something else is the matter settings wise and you might have to go through trial and error to find out what it is."

                                            GTX760 is more expensive card, at least in RO and Serbia.

                                            Ofc it's faster then R9 270X, it's never supposed to be competition for 270X.

                                            It is rebrend of 7870GHz ed. but nothing wrong with it. Card is cheap, and it will still deliver enough FPS for most demanding games.

                                            Also, if you call it "LONG SHOT" seeign 8-12 more FPS for 100$ bucks, go for it, I won't stop you. It's not like 760 is bad card, but for the price you need to pay, it is bad.

                                            On the other hand, even GTX960 isn't stronger atm if you compare it to R9 280X. Sure, it will draw more power, but with decent PSU with 50A single rail or 75A x2 rail PSU, you'll be just fine.

                                            No, it doesnt give you good performance on the paper, it will give you good performance overall, as long as you have good CPU and decent knowlage how to setup it as you should.

                                            FYQQ, with what cooling? Q6600 is 65nm, not only on 4GHz you need to cool it good, but it's also rly power-hungry CPU, so motheboard with good power-phase and heatsinked vrm's is also needed for 4GHz.

                                            Blun't is ofc liar as always. There's no fucking way you can get 4.7GHz with Yorkfield in @ home made contitions.

                                            Maybe on bench table with -100C, but anyway, it wont be stable.

                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                              I saw your mobo, it's decent mobo for Q6600, still, 4Ghz is so damn high for that CPU, i rly doubt you are runing it 24/7 on that freq.

                                              Can you post me your CPU-Z shot here, aswell as HWMonitor screen so I can see voltage and temps?

                                              Did you run Prime95/LinX to make sure it doesnt throttle?

                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                Are you fucking braindead? I'm not the first one to get that freq.

                                                and a q6600 with g0 stepping @ 4ghz is also not a new thing. Damn you fucking stupid, not only are you shit at dota, but you also suck at thinking in general.

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                                                  How much are used Q9 in your country Blunt?


                                                    Shred 5K confirmed

                                                    Also I was able to get e6850 and a e8400 to 4Ghz very comfortably on a P5Q Asus motherboard so it's perfectly doable on a Q6600. I avoided that CPU over that period cause none of the games of that time period were able to utilize the architecture of that CPU very well if at all but in this day and age with the way games are developed the longevity of that particular CPU is still showing.

                                                    EDIT: It was this motherboard, what a king!

                                                    The Q9 and the QX9's are still astronomically expensive. Also @Shred the 760GTX is still in the same price bracket as the 270's everywhere else which is why they are the better options. ATI cards perform quite badly in games vs their Nvidia equivalents, they also run cooler, quieter, and draw less power so are overall better cards though there are a few cards ATI has to offer mid/low range that are good performance for price.

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                      Extremely cheap, only issue is finding one.

                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité


                                                        see if you can find a dirt cheap Dell workstation (T43 series) as most of those came with Q9's


                                                        $70 not terrible though...

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                          Dont you have internet pages where you can put your used things and find what you need easily Blunt? I doubt it's really that hard to find used Q9...