General Discussion

General DiscussionThe Comeback is Real

The Comeback is Real in General Discussion

    I have not been able to play much dota this past year and what little I did play was quite frustrating because my pc and internet were failing resulting in 2 or 3 fps so that playing or watching dota was a slideshow rather than a video. But now I got a new computer and much has changed in the past year.

    The most dramatic change I see in the metagame is actually not which heroes are popular but that what was once only possible in pro games and extremely rare in pubs is now a regular occurrence. Once it was true that if you lost early in a pub, since there was going to be little teamwork - that was pretty much the game. A feed or two early might force you to sit through another 30 minutes of a certain loss. But now it is possible, and even common for teams in pub games to come back.

    This is in part due to the rubber band mechanics introduced for hero kill streaks. But I believe it is due just as much if not more to more consistently fair games. Valves matching has greatly improved. I used to see 1000 MMR ranges regularly due to stacks being matched with solos. But now often games MMR range is less than 50 from the highest to the lowest player.

    In this game I recently played, there were 16 lead changes. It was anyone's game right up to the very end. I think this makes the game a lot more fun and challenging for players at all skill levels.

    It used to be that if you lost early, it was often because the teams were completely unfair and you never had a chance to win the game in the first place. But now early mistakes are just that - early mistakes - and don't necessarily mean that your team is permanently outclassed.

    One sided games still occur, but they are most often due to picks. So it is at least somewhat within the players control.

    Even in a game won and lost on picks like this one there was still parity. 5 lead changes although the balanced team defeated the team of 5 cores fairly easily.

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      i'm gonna say what everyone's thinking ... what happened to your mmr? weren't you high/very high before? lol


        Comeback mechanics refer not solely to the gold changes.

        The biggest influence is the refreshed fortifications and exp swings. Its hard to repeatedly push down Tier 1s and Tier 2s thanks to all those fortifications and if you invest the time to do so, it means you've allowed the enemy team to create space for their cores. This means the gold difference barely increases even when you get a tower. Then its their turn to push and suddenly the gold swing is in their favor.

        The exp swings are ridiculous as well. It is very easy to catchup on levels which basically means its very difficult to create a prolonged gap between the teams. Gold swings honestly only really matter if you're reaaaaaally super far ahead. If you work out the math then you'd realize medium gaps don't affect kill gold that much. Only a ridiculous gold lead will lead to you getting 1000 or 2000 gold from a kill. And if you're so far ahead then its your fault for playing nonsensically with your team.

        People whining about the gold comeback are often super fed midlaners or carries that keep diving for kills not realizing they're shortening the gap. Then when the gap is no more, they think 'wtf comeback mechanics don't reward skill'.


          I agree that the extra fortifications are a big contribution to slowing down an early push, snowballing line-up. One additional consequence I notice is that, reinforced by the reduction in tp scoll cost, it now pays-off enough for support to tp to a tower defense that it regularly happens in 3k mmr level pub games.

          On the other question, I lost a ton of games when equipment was malfunctioning. I've had big swings before but this time I went down to below 2.4k mmr. Recently I've been gaining some back, but ranked is still in normal. Unranked is High, Very High depending on the game. I was only rarely in Very High in ranked games anyway. I think 4.1k is the highest its ever been.

          If you want to avoid some frustration with your team, its important to recognize that players skills vary widely with their hero. Someone might be worth 4k mmr on their best hero and 2.5k on their worst. Of course once they've picked it... nothing you say can suddenly make them skilled playing that hero they have used 3 times and fed all 3 times. I check on dotabuff stats for everyone available in every game I play and I find that the guy who seemed clueless often has a very low winrate and low kda on that hero - though overall is an average player for that mmr.

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            The refreshed fort change was a huge blow to push strats.


              In all honesty, these comeback mechanics were a panic response to how boring ti4 was with all the death ball.

              Its overdone and I honestly wish IceFrog would revert some of the changes but he's stubborn with his patches. He almost never reverts them. I honestly think the best patch was the one before Tinker/Void became popular. The fotm heroes back then was stuff like Ember/Ogre/Mirana/Luna and there were nowhere remotely as strong as the trends that followed; tinker/void > juggernaut/axe > troll/sniper.



                Icefrog will have to rebalance push vs farm anyway when this happens.


                  I'm not saying I want deathball. I just want pushing heroes to become somewhat viable again. I haven't seen death prophet, shadow shaman, or nature's prophet in ages.

                  Bad Intentions

                    Op that was a huge drop :O from 4k to 2.4k, what happened :O


                      welcome back rele

                      5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                        you can argue the matchmaking has "gotten better" due to the lesser ranges imposed for most people, but it still stands as a huge problem that people are allowed to pick what they want and captain's mode is NOT a viable alternative due to the dearth of players queuing for said mode. that alone causes many people to either be at least 300 mmr below their actual skill level (many of my friends who are legit good dropped from high 5k/low 6k to low 5k simply because they didn't pick fotm heroes) or, in the case of autistic broken hero spammers, 500-1000 mmr above what they deserve and you can tell because their mechanics/map awareness/the way they move around the map is horrible

                        furthermore the quality of matches seems to be severely LOW due to the meta changes, the comeback mechanics severely hindering any type of risk taking (if you have a streak and lose it, you just set yourself behind a whole lot), and of course the typical "mid or feed" type cancerous players that some people seem to get on their team more often others for whatever reason (might just be bad luck...or maybe valve manipulated the algorithm so that it's deliberate).

                        what icefrog did was a complete 180 from the "get shitstomped in the first 15 minutes and you lose" to "get shitstomped, win 1 fight, and then win game." i'm exaggerating a bit since the latter doesn't always happen, but i've had MANY games where my team was ahead and one stupid fight/encounter or their decision to suicide uphill to take t3's/raxes (that is out of my control, since i cannot telepathically control how my team thinks/acts) would result in a swift loss. aside from taking the EE route of splurging into the mic, i don't see how this is avoidable, especially not with what redditards suggest of treating ur retards nicely in ranked games

                        has the matchmaking gotten better? i would say there have been improvements such as not allowing people to dodge without penalty, getting rid of language preferences, etc. but that doesn't mean solo queue games are remotely enjoyable. then again, i might be expecting too much from an environment with 9 (likely) strangers where at least half of the participants thinks his/her team is going to suck every single game and there's probably no fix for that

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                          wtf i thought relentless was 5k not 2k



                            I played this game over the weekend, in in the end, it was the storm and myself the kunkka against 4 in the radiant (can be seen in the exp difference of 50k, but we still managed to win!


                              Here we go Relentless is back. Always a good person friendly guy but always was noob at dotka :D

                              Giff me Wingman

                                Relentless used to be high 3k / low 4k, since ranked came along he got degraded to low 3k, possibly high 2k ;_;


                                  matchmaking is no where near perfect i must say, at 4.5k+ i rarely get a game where all people are same mmr, mostly it ranges between 100 and 1000 difference, sometimes 1000+ difference so game are pretty imbalanced.

                                  and this "comeback" is really what killed dota for me, its like all the effort you put in to win the early 25-35 minutes of the game can just go away and you lose in 5 minutes because of a minor effort the enemy put in to win only one fight.
                                  think about it that way.

                                  lets say i am skywrathmage or es or some hero who will destroy early-mid game, and you are sniper.
                                  i put some effort to smoke gank you 10 times/pick you off 10 times to get my advantage.
                                  your team kills me 1 time with only 1 smoke and they all get 500 levels and 5000000 gold, and then you think you are a good player, but in fact you are bad, but just had a late game hero.

                                  this autism patch really forces you to pick one of the op heroes if you are good, and the earlygame amazing plays/dominance is completely unrewarded, in fact the more advantage you have, the easier for the enemy to "comeback".

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    anyone who actually listened to the shit relentless posted before is a whole special breed of retard. Long winded posts with proper grammar and lack of cuss words does not make it valid information.



                                      bum farto

                                        Be nice guys.


                                          For everyone who made the maths once, that comeback mechanism bring almost nothing, unless solo kill (after the several nerf).

                                          The main thing about it, is how little gold you earn if you are ahead. (compare to before)


                                          Rih (Bot)

                                            After getting wrecked early game and enemy team destroying top and mid racks, still managed to pull that straight mid push, take tier 3 mid tower (ignoring mid racks), then throne. :D



                                              ^yeah this is not impressing anymore, happens every 3rd game or so just cuz of this patch


                                                just my recent wins and losses are almost all like this with "comebacks"

                                                Rih (Bot)

                                                  ^yeah this is not impressing anymore, happens every 3rd game or so just cuz of this patch :D


                                                    i for one welcome our new relentless overlord