Bought no smokes......
0/10 would not have for support.
if srsly, smokes are not must-have in every game, f.e. in <35min one-sided games theres no purpose in buying smokes for both teams.
what's wrong benao? Don't wanna flame me anymore? Did you finally accept your position as an inferior being?
"Hurr durr my name is Benao, and I believe that all 3k players are stupid and trash."
Well, I'm a 2k player, breaching 4k as we speak.
bring it Benao.
Also if you couldn't tell that I was joking, then you clearly have some beef with me. (maybe it's cause I call you out on your shit, but still.)
The moment i will stop, is the moment you will stop being a 4k trash that talks down on other people despite being trash yourself.
I'm a lower trash, but wouldn't it be cheaper to just buy a gem instead of so many sentries?
it would be, especially since benaos team did well that game.
He didn't buy gem so he can keep buying wards so he can post this fucking thread.
a gem is not worth it because the moment you lose it you lose vision of the whole map. The whole point of having sentries against invis heroes is see them coming from a safe place, gem doesnt provide that and neither does it cover 2 places at once. If i see shit is happening top (minimap) then i just tp top and prepare for battle and mine the place with sentries at the locations i need. I can die, np my team still has the vision.
I die with gem and it can go downhill from there. Early gem means no cheap stats, playing like a puussy and no balls and im still a <1k hp hero. Buying it takes more time than sentries, time in which you feed or your team and losing a gem right away or soon after takes you back 10 min as well as making you useless 10 min forward in time when your enemies have 1 or 2 more items.
yeah, fuck n0tail and PDD who usually play support and prefer fast gem because they are not feeding 4k trashlords.
All hail the trashlord Benao.
right i get matched with fear sumail and universe against rtz s4 and kuroky in pubs now
and even then sentries might be better now would you stfuu and grow up? just leave me alone dude wtf is your problem
Learn to read fgt.
My problem is that a 4k trash like you should learn your place.
I rekt qsnake, puppy, exist and many more 6k+ people. What is your point? You are being matched with people like us because we are rare. That's why i hate little fucking retarded 4k trashcans who keeps thinking they know shit and doing nothing but being bad the whole game and then end up posting on forums how shitty 6k players are because of the 4k peoples lack of basic game mechanics.
So shut your little filthy mouth and let the other 1-3k people have their oppinion, if you flame those people because of their rating then i will flame you for your shitty 4k rating. It's not a hard concept mr. norwegian baddie.
the thing you don't understand is that i AM a better player than you, i even consider bogi being a better player than you
S T F U 4k trash. Learn your place little fgt. You suck at this game and i will tell you it over and over again until your little brain can comprehend it.
I find it hilarious how you're not only saying that you are better than me (which is hilarious) but also that you are implying that you also are better than Bogi. You are the typical 4k trash i have to carry daily, who usually runs around with 15+ deaths and spouting nonsense while talking to the enemyteam and also flaming the 6k guy with 30+ kills and under 5 deaths because you keep yoloing like a braindead monk in the game only to proceed to flame the enemy 6k mid who rekt your sorry anus that he somehow also sucks for destroying you so hard that you are beyond recognicion.
Learn your place trashlord. Just quit this game already and stop spreading your advanced stupidity.
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