General Discussion

General DiscussionTerrorblyat assistance pls.

Terrorblyat assistance pls. in General Discussion

    Okay. I am trying to learn this hero.
    Zero idea how i should play him. I know what he's insanely underpowered, but nah.

    Basic build:
    Quelling Blade + Tango + Circlet + Clarity => PT+Drums+HotD => Manta + Skadi => Butterfly+BKB
    2 Slippers + Tango + 3 Branches => PT+Aquilla+HotD => SnY + Travels => Daedalus + Satanic + BKB

    How i should play on the lane? Ignore anything and just... uhm... farm all day all night till i get Manta/SnY/Skadi?

    Skillbuild: e-q-w-e-e-r-e-w-w-w-stats-r-stats-r-stats-q < worth?


      if you build hotd, you don't build travel, either you go without carring of your illusion (hotd) either you go arround your illusion (no hotd)

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          why does he need sustain

          he has illusions to tank


            Good terror build> Aquila treads>manta>skadi>butterfly>bkb if needed or possibly second skadi or butterfly. I rarely go lifesteal as I find illusions don't need it with tank from skadi/butter and I don't need it for the same reasons and i can always sunder when low. I like bkb over a lifesteal because satanic won't help as much when stun locked and killed. Only other item i get besides the ones mentioned are travels for late and sometimes mkb. I find manta almost always better than sny because the illusions are great for dmg and split push, while sny only gives what, 10 more strength and maybe some damage over manta? Your skill build is fine. To play terror i usually farm until manta, tping to lanes to either help in an emergency or to split push. When you get manta your team fight presence is bigger, but you can also farm better with split push you need to get a feel for it.



              guide to picking tb:

              1) hope your opponents are trash

              2) hope your opponents give you the easiest lane of your life

              3) hope your offlane crushes their tri lane 1v3

              4) ???

              5) profit

              6) look pretty with top hero damage and tower damage and gpm which actually come from illusions hitting creeps until heroes happened to get in the way

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