General Discussion

General DiscussionSo i can't be 4k trash beacouse

So i can't be 4k trash beacouse in General Discussion

    Beacouse i'm a bitch without a little of humily to accept that i'm 3k trash who desevers it.
    Am i right ?

    casual gamer

      i mean you could focus on improving your play instead of wasting time defending yourself from some perceived slight

      Low Expectations



          honestly i keep getting suprised how many people take that test seriously


            ^Jokes on you

            Already got these kind of affermations when i asked in the past "Why i'm not 4k mmr", well everyone sayd i have no humility to check my errors and EVEN my team was trash i didn't help with my continous harassing on them without focusing on myself.


              NO ONE CARES


                step 1) buy 7k account
                2) feed
                3) piss off all the good playas
                4) get back to your trench
                5) win since you improved a bit
                6)get broke


                  I recommend playing more core heroes. Supporting before v.high skill bracket is pointless tbh. I always hated playing supports, because when I did I checked my carries/mid items & they had nothing. Games were far too random to trust some random carry/mid. Of course I don't say to pick core when u already picked 3 cores & need a support... Now I'm 4.1k & I get players who are in general decent (I know to 5ks we are trash ;p), so I don't mind playing support. When u get around 4k with cores u can switch to supports & I think it will be way more fun to u than currently. Good luck on ur climb.

                  cheese balls

                    easy solution for you :)

                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                      I just want to joke about, so whatever.