General Discussion

General DiscussionThe 2 players stack

The 2 players stack in General Discussion

    I notice that the 2 players stack sometimes can ruin your game easily because of the big diference between their mmr.


      Perhaps. You often find that the low MMR half just has a low party MMR compared to his solo MMR though and you thus have an easy game...

      bum farto

        There are 3K friends that I queue with that have higher party than me, and when we solo I get flamed a lot by people who think party rating is always equal to that of your solo. I guess the issue is that most party stacks have strats that they don't disclose and they expect the team just to play along, or they both random and will go in the same lane etc.

        Honestly who gives a shit about party MMR, I will usually just random and play ham unless the people I am stacked with actually want to win.


          sometimes? i got 100% loss with them


            Me 2, same as Benao. 90% of the games i lost recently in solo ranked, was when i had autist 2 stack in my team which fed the whole game or didnt want to cooperate with the team. Fuck that shit man, solo ranked is fuckin solo ranked.


              Had a couple of games today (im 4.2k) 2 stacks with 3.7k + 4.8k and similar, The games fucking suck.


                3k solo player can have 5k+ party, so i think you get the point.
                also 4k flat party can have 5.5k+ solo.

                Dire Wolf

                  It's always two dipshit peruvians who use the in game chat as their personal skype to chit chat back in forth in spanish. They pick the most retarded hero combos and usually suck in general and flame you if you tell them to get off chat or mock their picks.


                    me & havoc stack = pure salty delicious wins

                    no h0mo

                    Mortimer Smith


                        @FYYQINGKÖNIG. Because you play on easy servers.

                        Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

                          Lols, I love destroying opponent's games when I stack with my friend. I support while he carries, EZ game.