General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play against rats?

How to play against rats? in General Discussion
yung griphook

    Just got shit on by a tinker prophet combo. The push was too much to deal with. Tried counter pushing with Lycan, but I'm not a very good lycan to begin with.

    What sort of approach should you take when picking/ playing against rats?


      fight fire with fire and play BoTs meepo

      plz do

        pitching some ideas:
        deathball mid fast. boots of travel. Shadow Blade and wait til they show on lane. Treant. Kotl. Spirit breaker. Naga.

        In normal skill games I advise shadow blade mostely and picking bara - dont forget to buy dust if np has sb.

        casual gamer

          U gotta gank them, or have a support/3 who can tp and stop their push


            nyx counters both but you rather last pick jungle lycan


              blink dagger my friend. Too play against rats, you to got to be the rat.


                haven't lost to a tinker or a natures prophet in like 5 years


                  pick storm kill rats win game

                  Village Whore

                    if its Rat by summons, easy timbersaw double chakram gold farming machine.


                      Place tinker/np wards and have at least 2 supports who can disable gank with a core. Make sure they always carry tps