General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat sort of nerfs do you expect or want from Troll?

What sort of nerfs do you expect or want from Troll? in General Discussion

    I'd like for there to be a cooldown between his range and melee form.

    Like a 5 second cd each type you toggled it, it would make a HUGE fucking difference on his versatility but leaving his carry potential untouched. No more ezy safelane farm without supports.

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        -2 base armor or -3 base str

        waku waku

          reduce bash duration or chance

          bum farto

            Honestly troll is just strong not overpowered but it seems dumb to give someone with a decently high bash chance not only a passive attack speed boost per hit but also an ult with a low CD to add to that.

            Take the other bash lords like Void, or Spirit Breaker, if you want to increase the chance of bash you have to build some variety of AS item whereas troll can go straight durability and damage because he has naturally increasing AS and an ult.

            Increase ult timer, or reduce bash chance.

            Pom Pom 🍕

              Make his skills cost mana.

              bum farto

                ^ his int gain and base mana are already horrifically low.

                casual gamer

                  reduce bash duration

                  reduce ms from rage slightly

                  hes not too far from being balanced


                    Hes too fast ... pls nerf his ms.... he can literally outrun everyone with phase +sny...


                      i still like matrice's suggestion the best

                      increase his base mana pool, increase mana cost of his skills

                      makes the RoA regen insufficient


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                          isn't the whole point to destroy his laning stage, his skillset sets him up to be a beast late game but he can farm safelane without supports to zone offlaner and he does really well in midgame skirmishes


                            give his Q a mana cost or maybe a small channelling time. make it harder for him to chase you down if by some freak of rng you get out of range of whirling axes.

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                            Dire Wolf

                              Increase his bash chance to 30% but make it a mini bash, not a full 2 sec stun. Maybe? Idk, it's really hard to adjust his bash cus the proc is so low, it takes a while to proc, but once he does you're stunlocked forever.


                                you can't decrease bash chance on already low %. (10%)
                                should probably nerf passive a bit. revert his ulti to previous version too.


                                  how about cd on bash


                                    As people above me have suggested, one of his main strengths is the short cooldown on his ult, allowing him to use it every teamfight.


                                      Buff Craggy Exterior to stun through Magic Immunity like other bash effects.


                                        The fucking 2 sec stun without cd lol. With ult up you cant do shit for 12sec in a 1v1. His movement speed and his Q is fine otherwise.


                                          how about no... void, slardar and others dont need to have vetter bashes.

                                          Troll was best manfighter in years and will hopefully continue to be. Deal with it!


                                            i would really like a cooldown on the bash like bara has. Maybe not as long but his ability to chainbash everyone late game is just ridicilous


                                              Not giving vision when he throw the axes, bash scales to 1.2 sec, increase cd to the ult, miss chance scales too


                                                Too many nerfs will destroy his viability, hes not even op... Just a bit too good. He was useless for a while and with the bug fix hes suddenly op? Nah just reduce the bash duration or give it a cd and hes gonna be in a good spot.

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  He was always good, people just didn't realize it, and the bug fix to his fervor made a huge difference in jungle to make him a jungle beast now and capable of insanely early roshans.

                                                  Think about it, at level one it's 16 more IAS, that's like a free gloves of haste to start jungle. And for roshan at max level, 34 more IAS. That's like before if he was able to go phase AND get the IAS off of treads. Big, big difference. I remember trying to rosh on him before that patch and it was tough, usually I needed phase boots, dominator and a medallion. Of course I was quite noob and didn't get quelling blade or tank with creeps =p so maybe it was easy, but I remember it being much more difficult pre patch.

                                                  But I still had a pretty good win rate on him before the patch, I just played him less, I think something like 12-5.

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                                                  Natural born jungler

                                                    reduce his magic damage to 0 and his miss chance duration or his whriling axes range so he cant just give all enemy miss chance or removing his global attack speed


                                                      can all 6k or 2k players here just stop thinking about things they dont have influence here? ;D

                                                      i trust my friend icefrogger will nerf him a little (enough to make him "normal" bit still gucci for reel trolls) to not destroy my hipster hero i loved before he was cool >:D

                                                      i just want next FotM hero batch so i can continue my evil deeds withiut being 8x counterpicked :/


                                                        I'd say lower his move speed buff frm skill increase by increments of 5 instead of 10 , I'd actually prefer more of a nerf but I think that's realistic o keep him at a very high win rate .


                                                          Make his ult not global


                                                          make it so his abilities arent FUCKNIG spammable

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                                                            Mortimer Smith

                                                              5% bash