General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can we fix 2-3-4 ppl stacks ?

How can we fix 2-3-4 ppl stacks ? in General Discussion
Jesus Perez Ramirez

    Im bored of games when 2 of a stack:
    1 - very very good
    2 - terrible noob
    lose me a game. Yes we get it ... YOU want to play with friend, then do, but for the love of god dont stack in 2-3 man parties. You fuck whole solo mmr system.

    And sorry to say it to you but most likely your friend is VERY bad, and first you should learn him how to play in competitive environment.


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    bum farto

      You don't play ranked why should it matter?


        Yeah, it should only matter for ranked tbh, other than that, it should be fair game. Non ranked = casual gaming.


          Because if he loses too many games, his boss will fire him. This is serious business!


            its ez, let people increase party mmr if they are put with stacks

            ---> make it possible to search SOLO games for both PARTY and/OR SOLO mmr

            but volvo has no fucking brain, they are fucking stupid like most of you guys and definitely all of reddit

            Jesus Perez Ramirez

              "You don't play ranked why should it matter?" mostly because it's still not fixed. Getting only frustration from ranked games is also not a good way to keep customers payin for stupid ass hats LS


                "and first you should learn him how to play in competitive environment."

                1) eyes bleeding
                2) remove competitive word
                3) learn to play too cause people in 3-4 stacks will blame you also " why this solo guy has to be so bad?? lets report him x4 "
                4) low priority

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