General Discussion

General DiscussionTo go dual monitor or not?

To go dual monitor or not? in General Discussion

    What do you guys think? is it necessary or not?

    65+% of my time using my computer is spent playing Dota2, remaining fraction is spent programming and browsing. Do I gain more by having a dual monitor? What are setups if it indeed gain more experience having it, like when I hover the cursor to access the other monitor and shit.

    Need your insights on this guys..
    I mean, I'm thinking if I would buy the razer tiamat 7.1 headset or to get a dual monitor instead..


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      Dual monitor 10/10


        I would if I could. Not for DOTA, but it is useful for other things...

        I want to say, I'd actually use it. I study architecture and would definetly benefit from 2 monitors, sadly I have no money.

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          1 monitor for each eye, ez


            Some of my old offices at work had dual monitors they are easy to use.


              For sure worth having 2 monitors. For dota, go for "borderless window" setup to avoid minimizing the game when clicking outside screen.


                So from what Im gathering.: Im definitely ditching the headset huh?


                  I have a 32 inch gaming TV works wonders

                  U wot m8?

                    its deffo not necessary but its awesome to have dual, very handy


                      Let's put it this way, once I got second monitor whenever I am on 1 monitor PC I feel like handicapped. It's that good. Also for work it's insane, increases productivity by like 20% or so. There is research online if you dont believe me


                        Just get 1 big monitor, 1440p should be enough. May I recommend ?
                        It's kind of pricey, but it's really good :)

                        Howard Donald

                          2 monitors. By a long way.


                            Dual monitors are really useful when coding/working. They're only useful for games if you need mumble, steam group chat windows, stuff like that open and visible.


                              I just got two, amazing change.

                              Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                                A stationary computer has a low WAF. A stationary computer with two screens has a negligible WAF.

                                alt+tab own 2 screens ez

                                edit: at home that is. At work I still preferee one screen over two.

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                                  If you're a programmer...dual monitor is virtually necessary.


                                    I'm a programmer and had an opportunity to use dual monitors. Never found it useful. On the other hand, one big screen (like 27") is somewhat helpful but it's not necessary for me either.

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                                      I have a dual monitor setup and working / browsing / playing on a single monitor system is a pain.
                                      In my experience if you get used to it it is the best experience possible.


                                        And here i am, with 22" monitor.. *cries*