General Discussion

General DiscussionPeople want to nerf jugg/sniper/troll yet nobody talks about storm sp...

People want to nerf jugg/sniper/troll yet nobody talks about storm spirit in General Discussion

    This hero man, i think this hero is way to evasive right now and has the best snowball mechanic. If the player isnt brain dead he can fuck up your team one by one its ridiculous. Of course theres always hex/orchid/stuns etc but the problem on the hero i believe is that while he use ball, hes invincible so you cant do nothing against him but HE can disable you. Thats why you cant do much against him, hes way easy to use than most ganking pickoff hero like pudge( because you dont really rely on a single hook) this hero also is limitless when you try to push highground vs him since he just ball in and out so he just waste your time and chip away your health.

    Although i do agree about the opness of these 3 heroes.

    bum farto

      Storm has always, and will always be a very unbearable pile of shit. Either storm is dumb, or you have to stomp him hard in order to win.


        how is jugger op?
        what makes him op?


          ^ this thread isnt about jugg but storm, if you want to discuss juggs problems theres a few thread on him already.

          Yeah even if you stomp him i mean all he needs is a 4k gold item and he pretty much solo everyone. He needs to be silenced while he balls so he can be countered on reaction when hes not invulnerable.


            well i just asked why is he op, because you said he is.

            but about storm, he is a really easy hero if you are able to farm up his core items.

            Giff me Wingman

              Storm is balanced, same as meepo, hence they barely get touched at.

              If you hate storm that much, get silencer or am, ez pts.


                ^ meepos fine overall, only his respawn timer is kind of bullshit but he gets counterpicked so easily, same as brood, thats why you want to last pick him. You can just first pick storm and stomp solo heros, how dont see how am is a counter, storm will always rush orchid then fuck up am pre battlefury so much that the game is going to be finished before he gets manta.

                Zero IX

                  ^Praise the Sun!

                  Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                    Pretty sure that Storm will get a big nerf next patch as well. I don't like him because of his ability to get out of anything. But I don't find him specially hard to deal with. Orchid is a must against him, even if he's got a BKB.

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                      cuz storm has to snowball pretty hard to be unstoppable, when the rest of the heroes dont need shit and will rape anyway cuz they only need 3k gold to rape.

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                          He is easy to counter actually...The problem is people walking alone & giving him free kills or picking super weak mid lane hero like Pudge. If he is shut down in the lane, it's super hard to comeback (jungle is not enough) & many popular mids rapes him in lane (Lina, Sniper, SF). Not to mention you don't want to go BKB as first item & probably not even as 2nd one, so picking many disables/silences vs him is a free win. Of course if u let him snowball u're fucked & probably lost the game, but same applies to Lina, TA. Hero needs a good start. He is super weak against 5 manning early on or if u can farm fast orchid he will also struggle a lot. He is also bad vs tanky heroes...I think he was a little imba, when he started being popular in this patch, right now most people know how to deal with him & if u can't outplay opponents you will lose if their draft is not just stupid. Huskar is also a free win vs magic only drafts & none complain that Huskar needs a nerf. Storm is also a free win vs non disables/silences drafts. Conclusion - learn how to pick & don't wander alone if he is fed.

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                            yea storm is actually one of the most balanced heroes..
                            only dumbfuck snipers pickers are mad now cuz he's one of the few heroes that can deal with him.


                              ^Yes, Sniper is the only reason why Storm is so popular right now. He is probably the best counter vs this retarded OP dwarf.


                                Storm won't get nerfed - he makes for good TV.


                                  Its just the fact hes invulnerable + can use items in ball, he should be muted as he ball because he always gets to initiate first with his orchid and then you just wait till you die in 4 auto attack, if he was muted he would have to land so he can orchid and thus a support could stun/hex him with before he gets you silenced. The rest of his abilities are fine really.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Idk, you have to put effort into countering him but these days you have to do that with nearly any lineup. If they pick sniper and you pick zero heroes with gap closers and disables for him you're screwed. If they pick storm and you pick no silences, weak disables and no orchid carries you are screwed.

                                    Although I must say I am really sick of mid getting rolled by a storm leading to losses. He's one of the worst mids to have snowball.

                                    Jorges Sanz

                                      Storm is ok, just remove the tp + lightning ball trick