General Discussion

General DiscussionI never knew

I never knew in General Discussion
casual gamer

    you can use dominator on a centaur/troll and drop the item in base, paying only 2000 gold for a potentially game changing stun in the lategame

    why don't we see this in every 50+ min pro game?


      why would you drop the item in base ?


        to pick up a better item -.-'


          Trying hard man.

          Pom Pom 🍕

            in the really long pro games there usually is some strong high ground defence hero on the defending team like sniper, who can easily take care of those creeps before they can stun (plus everyone has a bkb and cores might also have refresher to extend it).
            It could still be nice for a big push on one lane, so others can take care of another lane while they're distracted by the push.

            The frost armour ogre looks nice late game for 2K gold though. +8 armour, 45s duration, and low cooldown so you don't need many to keep the buff on your cores for the upcoming fight.


              Just go play Chen instead. Gets four creeps instead of one, can call them to him at just about any time, and can take the delicious Granite Golem Aura.

              Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                So can you dominate like 20 creeps this way?


                  i think the max is 6 or something

                  casual gamer

                    Even just having a kobold/wolf/ursa aura behind your hypercarry seems like it is more solid of an investment than a vlads or drums aura would be on a lategame support, considering both that you don't have to be near the carry for him to benefit and the item doesn't take up a slot

                    your medusa feels like a slug? as a support you can buy her a fucking yasha for 2000 gold with kobold

                    want tiny to effectively have a free mkb? packleader gives him 90 damage FOR TWO THOUSAND GOLD

                    these are creeps with 1.5-3000 physical ehp. they aren't going to die easy, even if you just right click it on your carry


                      I would really like to see 30 dominated creeps get smoked and used to rat out the other teams ancient in a 3 hour game.

                      Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                        Some creeps has purge. that is like an diffusal blade for 2k


                          That's a pretty good tip. Thanks