General Discussion

General DiscussionTickets to TI5

Tickets to TI5 in General Discussion

    Anyone else buying them?

    I'm going there with my bro.

    bum farto

      I can't go but might buy a few for resale value.

      Dire Wolf

        I was thinking of trying to buy some to scalp cus my friend said last year it sold out so fast and he tripled his money.

        Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

          I will try to get one!

          I will tripple your money if I don't get the ticket.

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            nah only to scalp


              wrong continent sadly

              Miku Plays

                Wow.. I guess i should rip people off


                  So same as last time for me... NO FUCKING TICKET AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

                  and those motherfuucking scalpers are selling that shit for $750 ahahah fuck the fucking system srsly


                    Don't worry, dearest Benao, there is another window of ticket sales later. Don't give up, your dream of reaching TI5 is still alive!


                      I want to go but I think I won't be able because of the date... If it was a bit later it would be perfect


                        yea... honestly fuck the TI ticket system.

                        Never entertained for a second the idea of going. Did not try to get tickets.


                          Valve doesn't care about the pro scene enough to care about ticket sales.

                          I knew not to even consider going to TI.

                          What is the real problem is that lack of caring on Valves part is true for the entire pro scene and it suffers as a result.

                          Just remember, the compedium is 10 bucks, but all the bonus rewards will be cheap as shit on the market after. Screw paying for upgrades this year.

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                          Zero IX

                            Got tickets
                            ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give Immortals

                            Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                              There goes my dream. Whatever then. :(


                                im going to TI7 for free

                                REMEMBER ME


                                  I got 5 tickets, KAPPA


                                    Trying to resell them but unfortunately the free transfer button isn't working and have to wait for support


                                      Playing video games for money is pretty pathetic.

                                      Paying money to go watch people play video games for money is really pathetic.

                                      Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                        Paying money to watch a movie is even more pathetic.


                                        Can I have one please? :> <3 >_<

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                                          i didnt get any so i guess fuck the plans with my bro THIS YEAR AGAIN GO FUCKING DIE VOLVO PEICE OF SHIT


                                            Willing to sell to dotabuff members at 350 each


                                              TI5 would be strange. DOTA 2 players everywhere. Its gonna be an environment where people are chatting and getting along with their common interest and yet its almost certain that these same people have all merciless flamed each other in game at some point.


                                                Love always wins my friend, we all get mad about each other sometimes.


                                                  Actually no it isn't nerd. Try again.


                                                    So you are here on dotabuff commenting and judging what is and what isn't pathetic? you are a pathetic troll mate
                                                    get a life and gtfo if you are so cool


                                                      anyone giving away tickets to poor kids from eastern europe???????????


                                                        ^You do realise you will also need a plane ticket, hotel, etc.

                                                        Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                          ^ You can go there by cargo ship and go camping.

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