General Discussion

General Discussionhow to win as void

how to win as void in General Discussion

    I can't win a single game as void, im getting midas min 4-5, I know is out of meta but damn I'm trying to win jesus

    any tip?


      you'd get more farm rushing mom+maelstrom

      also makes you not worthless in lane and ALSO lets u kill at level 6


        Arcane mek blink forcestaff midas 10/10 best thread

        plz do

          play him mb more as offlaner or No 2/3 - bubble is huge also w low farm. oh yeah, dont bubble ur teammates.
          oh lol now I saw ur last void game. dont ever build void that way again.

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          casual gamer

            do this

            except you need a better team

            Dire Wolf

              Midas sucks. Go mom and you can solo bitches at level 6 with chrono and just mom + treads. Mom extremely op on void.

              Then if you are only farming go maelstrom but if there's potential fights go crystalis. Maelstrom severely overrated on void. Crystalis might even be better for farming with mom and it's definitely a shit load more dmg during a chrono.



                thats why u lose


                  SLAHSERS WAY


                    midas... you deserve to lose


                      Midas is autolose for void.

                      BF, MAELSTRON etc. More damage and more farm. Midas SUCKS for void. Its like midas for AM.


                        so midas on void (almost the same gold as MoM) is losing early kills-> more money

                        im rite?

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          yes, u can push lane while still getting cs and kill jungle camps getting more gold and when u get ulti chrono support and ezy more gold.

                          Dire Wolf

                            People still don't understand midas is a net loss of gold, while a gain in xp. The amount of time it takes to simply recoup midas costs through uses is a long time and you add on top of that the lost farm speed from rushing a puny +30 ias item over getting a mom, it means you'll almost never be ahead gold wise from a midas. It's good on level dependent heroes only like invoker.


                              I get Battlefury if the game is hard, cause you need dmg on void, not maelstrom midas shit. I used to go that, but it just doesnt work anymore, cause you're weak and you hit like a kitten. Especially for fighting troll or jugg you need big dmg, not aspd.

                              U wot m8?

                                same here... i even got mass farm in one game and still failed massively... i dont like that hero


                                  Void glass cannon build was last meta, now its man fight meta. You need to build a bkb and a few item to fight outside chrono or play safe. I still win alot with this hero because im good a triple man chronos.


                                    Void isn't the great hero to play if you just want to win since he's so easily coutered. But if you insist, I'd recommend to stop aking a midas since that hero doesn't require experience to be good. Midas is mostly an experience item and not a farming item. That should give you a good heads up. This tip is true for any hero you play, if you don't need level 16 asap, don't make a midas. I'd recommand with the previous changes on void to make an aghanims after you finish your mjolnir. Have a better balance between farming and being there to help your team. Hope this helps. By the way, I'M 4600 mmr and I have over 57% winrate.


                                      Midas will give you less gold than MoM, even if you just farm without killing heroes. Midas is shit on heroes who can actually farm.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        He's not a bad hero, he just isn't as good as the ever present sniper and troll picks. But you can still play him like a pickoff machine and snowball. He can solo kill any support at level 6 with just treads and mom, and even vs a lot of popular mids like qop and storm, just jump on them with chrono and they are dead. Even troll, he can kill him inside a chrono with enough farm provided he doesn't get axed.

                                        The problem is why chrono is down he's shitty and if enemy team rolls as 5 you'll chrono and that sniper/troll/storm will blow you up from outside chrono.

                                        But he's not a bad hero, just average and not op anymore.


                                          correction epsik-kun, midas is just shit if you want gold.
                                          That item take more than 20 minutes to repay itself.


                                            yep, midas is 100% lose on my hands

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                                                OP is a fucking troll, haha you made my day with your build.

                                                It's not only the midas but he buy, force staff, mana boots, mekansm...

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                                                    dude, u just can't win in the current meta against troll

                                                    jugg is the only carry who can kill troll 1vs1 :/


                                                      looks like I posted on wrong threads, troll is easy to kite, wait his bkb end and kill him. Pretty much like ursa.


                                                        qb rop iw*4
                                                        MoD jungle if support wants alone farm lane if not
                                                        finish mom at 5-6
                                                        kill someone
                                                        farm bubble rdy
                                                        kill someone again
                                                        repeat this
                                                        crys vs mael:

                                                        Crys gives 90 more dps, mael 120. 3/4. Crys costs 2150, Mael 2800. 3/4. Crys is gotten 2-3 minutes earlier which is pretty important and builds into daed which will be more dps than mjol. Mael -> mjol helps farm and push faster because of aoe and gives static later. AoE damage turns good chronos into great ones. Maels and Mjols stack with 75% efficiency to stack AoE damage. Also does magical damage which is sometimes better than physical depending on armor and bkbs etc.

                                                        Situational and balanced. Make judgement call.

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                                                          Low Expectations

                                                            Why is midas bad? Isnt void all about low cd on chrono? hence fast levels > more chrono?


                                                              Midas blows because even though youll level faster, youll lose on your fighting ability because your items will be delayed. At 8min with a mom you can solo pretty much any low hp hero. If you delay mom, those squishies are gonna be tankier. And less alone.

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                                                                  efextoide the problem with your build is that you dont have enough useless items. You should think about getting items like:
                                                                  armlet-veil of discord-casual courier in you inventory-tranquilboots-bloodstone
                                                                  This build offers you much more uselessness.


                                                                    kk, going for that build, ty

                                                                    Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                      Cute build.