General Discussion

General DiscussionMy best game of my life

My best game of my life in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    I know im normal skill and i use troll but damn, this is by far my best gpm < 30mins




        nice game; but i highly suggest getting some hp items like SNY, skadi AND bkb...


          wow; one guy liking shadowblade. How about other top troll who makes HH/ eblade all the time? Or RTZ builds?

          waku waku

            congrats dood, i literally never farm so both my record and average gpm are shit

            saving private RTZ

              Shadow blade is too good late though but meh


                How are you normal skill with that farm dude? Then you have to be really bad at some other thing.


                  Some players don't like to adjust (me) so they rather lose :D than not enjoy the game playing like that.


                    I guess having a shadow blase is good cuz with just normal skill bracket they don't hoe to use ward or dust properlu so u r safer to the point that they can't see u inveee