General Discussion

General Discussionlooking for players for a team !

looking for players for a team ! in General Discussion
Mr. Nice Guy

    hello guys,my friend just told me about an online tournament which will begin in 3rd april ,in weekends. now,the reason why i made this topic is that we re just 2 ,and yea.. we need to be 5 in team... we speak kind of well english(he speaks better then me,so i dont think it will be a problem with comunication). the tournament is for scrubs,i mean , is a rule,you dont have to have more than 4k mmr. (domi1domi: - Casual Dota 2/Potato-Bracket Teams Only Whilst we admit this is hard to regulate since this tournament will be managed and hosted online, the team will be doing the odd check and any teams with unusually high or just down right unfair stats/MMR ratings will be asked not to get involved or disqualified. For example, Team HKON is a group of friends that regularly play together after a day at work or university, we hope everyone involved in this tournament is the same or similar. Seriously, this tournament isn't for Try Hards. Your teams avarage MMR (based on the solor MMR of each player) should not be higher than 4k MMR.)

    i m ussualy playing mid/carry . my friend plays 4th position (semi support). if anyone wants to join us ,please post here or add me on steam . there is a little prize pool too,as i can see.
    the only conditions that i have: you have to speak english ok ,so we can communicate.
    skype/teamspeak,so we can communicate
    you have to play decent (i m not looking for riki players,lol :D )

    you use to call me on my ...

      come man add me , icant add with this new id uknowwhy XD
      my last smurf is at 4500

      Giff me Wingman

        if you can get me a 3k account then i would join Keepo


          To clarify i am the other guy, we can communicate trough whatever is reasonable for the other members of the team, be it mumble teamspeak or skype, also we do not care about dotabuff stats or fancy mmr, we want members that want to improve and play regularly with us, any questions can be asked here.


            for the first time in my life the fact that i didnt play solo for half a year is useful. got only 4.6k there, if it fits and administration wont consider party mmr, im in. role - offlane.


              Also, either leave your account here or add me directly trough steam and i'll try to see if you are compatible, glhf ;)

              you use to call me on my ...

                hey triplesteal- pls analyze my thread..if u dont mind..
                like u did in

                Mr. Nice Guy

                  zero is the other guy. you can see him above ^ :D i may have a problem till 9 th april,so ,i think in the team he will be atm the only guy. at least at this tournament,so yea,we may be looking for a mid too :D pls add him, i wont have too much time atm ,i wont be able to play in this next weeks. the guys which are higher then 4k mmr,you probabily cant play,but if you want,you can add us and yea,we can play in pubs for fun or idk , is funnier then solo :D


                    if the average should be below 4k, then you can afford having 1-2 4k+ players, i guess. but you have to calculate it accurately

                    edit: also idk what are your mmrs, too. if you are ~4k, that woukd be rly difficult. on he other hand, if you are on 3-3.2, its not a problem at all.

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                    Mr. Nice Guy

                      Your teams avarage MMR (based on the solor MMR of each player) should not be higher than 4k MMR. sry,i my mistake,we can have 4k+ too if we have some lowers. didnt read all of that,was in hurry.

                      you use to call me on my ...

                        Okay thank you triplesteal-
                        but i think its impossible if im in 3k range , cz i see my teams playing clean too
                        just a bit throw , as far as i know . when im 4,5k there's so many throw players . and keep soloing every minutes .
                        just come and dead . but with this id i feel so differrent . its smoother . and i like it .


                          @TOP EU LEADERBOARD
                          U are welcome
                          Well, possibly MM detected you as smurf, and now you are playing with other smurfs, who are (on average) rather good. Anyways, imo in most cases RMM > NMM.


                            Triple, if you want we can clarify some things on steam chat right now if you come online.

                            Mr. Nice Guy

                              one more thing,i m not that good ,you can check my dotabuff stats ( pls,at least,in the last 6 -9 months,not older),neither zero,our mmr is low,so yea,dont except that much from us... anyway,we will probabily play before the tournament too see how it goes. (with me or without me)


                                ok, sec


                                  another thing to mention is that we are playing on EU and russia servers, and we dont really get along with 200+ping


                                    nice; i just lost shittons of mmr and i am in low 4k's... i could apply for carry but i also can play other roles at 4k+ level. Just for the tourney; i got my own team <my fault we dont play much since i am inactive>…


                                      both dudes are normal skill so below 3200mmr...

                                      20000 - 6400/ 3 equals 4533 mmr or something...

                                      you guys can hace UP TO THREE people of 4.5k mmr and you will still be around 4k mmr or little less for average team mmr :)


                                        Yup, also we dont care about mmr we care about hwo you actually play and how well you can fit in with the mentality and playstyle of the team, the only mmr restrictions are determined by the tournament.
                                        If you still wanna play i'll add you tomorow and we'll see about how things go.


                                          tomorrow i have a b-day so i took a free day off work (i got free schedule) myself to relax. I think our timezones can differ from 1-4hrs but i should be up from morning.

                                          I used to be a part of 2.7-3.3k mmr reddit team for AMA tourney with 1k $ prize that was cancelled around 6months ago - often had to solo carry them to win but guys never complained about my communication or skills.

                                          Atm my Dj headphones are sonewhere in philiphs china factory being repaired; using ones from my LG Phone so no microphone; only chat or PM :D


                                            btw do u know when will the administration check our mmrs? Once before tournament, or they gonna keep an eye all along? I wanted to start playing solo once I reach 5.5k party, and (hopefully) it will happen rather soon


                                              also happy bday, guy with agressive nickname :)


                                                blackwolf. I like to have funny names but desperate times require desperate measures and i like to save time in every game telling for 2-3 people "you are muted"

                                                wanna see if it nets good results; team today thought high of me (all game questioned mmr) and they tried to be silent to avoid mute....


                                                  how's the team stuff going?


                                                    Im fine


                                                      Hey still looking for a player? I can play mid or carry around 4k.


                                                        Last game was fun; despite being forced to support that normal skill dude...

                                                        btw; what's the team name? *gif unrelated*

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                                                          Im 3.7K playing mid carry jungle or Support you can add me for a discussion