General Discussion

General DiscussionUrsa vs Troll (item choices)

Ursa vs Troll (item choices) in General Discussion

    As Ursa, what items do I need to prioritize when facing an enemy troll? Obviously, item choices depend on other enemy heroes too, but for the sake of argument let's say that troll is the biggest threat.

    Some games I've gone mkb first, then abyssal. Some games I've gone abyssal, then mkb. It's hard for me to decide which one is better.


      blink / hex / halberd / butterfly / basher / mkb / dagon

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        Trolls usually go S&Y and then Skadi or sth, not that often butterfly. So abysall all the way.


          halberd 100%


            id say boots (upgrade to w/e u want later) > somekind of lifesteal > blink/shadowblade (depending on team composition) > hex >heart/bkb/halberd/buterfly depending on what u need at that time sangeyasha also good item to increase ur mobility


              Everything to counter a man-fight since you will lose that.
              Abysall will take too long to create (if normal game and not snowballing) so build up an halberd indeed.
              If troll snowballs too fucking hard and will mess you up when you have a halberd (when ursa has BKB and gets an MKB in no-time), just build up for a sheepstick.

              Dire Wolf

                with basher though you will probably bash him before he bashes you since ursa can pop max attack speed instantly while troll's builds up, and basher is 25% pseudo chance while troll's is a measly 10% chance. I don't really see why you couldn't keep him perma bashed before he can kill you.


                  ^cz basher has cooldown, as well as ursa's attack speed buff. troll's bash has no cd afair. once ursa is bashed, hes dead.


                    On equal farm, troll will rape ursa after ~15min + into the game. As Ursa you gotta get Rosh before he does, since you cant farm as fast as him. Also you gotta snowball unlike him, you cant really comeback late game, youll get kitted with 5sec bkb. While troll has mega speed(sny) and ranged form.

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      ursa basher is prutty good vs troll
                      and vs troll need mkb as the only reason troll is op is cuz the evasion
                      so blink abysal mkb would do it
                      with vlads and bkb if needed

                      Dire Wolf

                        Yeah but don't you think a level 16 ursa could kill a level 16 troll if he gets the jump before bash wears off?

                        Ursa 16 with shadowblade, vlads, basher, phase is doing like 80x1.15 + 24 + 22 + 40 = 178. With his ult adding another 110 ish dmg, that's 288 dmg, that's quite a bit. Shadow bladed first attack, 463 dmg, next 6 attacks are max speed and deal with fury swipes 208, 238, 268, 298, 328, 358 = 2161 dmg. Troll with dominator, aquila, bkb, s&y let's assume has like 17 armor and like 1690 hp. He's going to be left with something like 600 hp plus ursa probably earthshocks for another 180 dmg. He will have to 1st or 2nd hit bash ursa to death at that point in order to lifesteal enough hp back to survive. Can it happen? Sure, but you'd need fortunate bashes, and maybe some whirling axe misses on ursa's part. I'm just saying I've been bursted down by PA's with basher in similar situations and ursa puts out comparable burst dmg coming off a shadowblade init.

                        I think if ursa doesn't have bkb and troll gets whirling axes off before he gets bashed maybe he can win. I dunno, would need to see some real game testing and I don't know how you set it up. Ultimately ursa gets kited and cc'd so easily compared to troll so I am not saying ursa's a good pick, just saying if he gets a shadowblade basher jump on troll I think he can kill him before getting perma bashed.


                          ^ Thing is by the time ursa and troll are 16 its pretty much 20min+ so if ursa hasnt been snowballing, troll should havr already outfarmed ursa. Thats why i put my money on troll 80% of the time.

                          Dire Wolf

                            That is out farming ursa, phase, basher, shadow blade and vlads costs 9175. Troll's s&y, phase, bkb, dominator, aquila costs 12,285. Troll could be out farming ursa like 550 to 400 and they could have those items.

                            I'm not trying to argue ursa's case as a better hero or anything like that, just saying I think ursa can blow up troll with a basher and shadowblade. Though I forgot to add in troll's armor and hp bonuses from rage melee form GAH! Too much math. Of course what will probably happen is ursa jumps on troll and some enemy douche freezes/hexs/impales/statics/stuns does whatever to him cus he doesn't have bkb. And yeah, if you bkb before basher there's no way you can jump troll. You need that bash.

                            U wot m8?

                              in my experience ursa will rape troll 1v1 early game and late game will rape with mkb , ursa hits just way too hard

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                                Why does everyone forget that troll has whirling axes. Ursa has no chance to kill him without either mkb or bkb and even then troll is more likely to win.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  My theory is that ursa can shadowblade init and bash him before troll hits axes. By the time troll comes out of bash it's too late. But again, need to test this somehow in game.

                                  saving private RTZ

                                    Ursa new meta

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      URSA Blink > URSA Shadow Blade