General Discussion

General Discussion@Geckolimus

@Geckolimus in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    Was quite an experience to see how 1k players do think and play. I learned quite a lot about that bracket and i am now able to tell differences between 1k and 2k.

    I played SF and Alchemist for ya.

    If you have any questions regarding item decisions, decisions ingame etc. Fell free to ask me via steam.


      congrats u killed noobs.

      next thing you'll be battle axing old ladies at the grocery store.

        and this one?

        aah, ok, I see now.

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          he wasnt playing in that one

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          < blank >

            Teach me this Alchemist


              Whats the biggest difference between 1k and 2k's? Really, i'm diying to know :D


                best part u actually died against them :D

                bum farto

                  ^ that happens when the game is so fucking easy you play so dumb, and still 99% of the time get away with it. I always played the offlane and still managed to die very little while playing so aggressively.

         this was me diving under towers and into their base vs 4-5
         axe got me a couple times and again me diving from level 2 under towers vs a lion

                  All of those games where someone other than Gecko is playing there is at least a 20-30K gold and exp lead. 1K's just don't know how to take advantage of positioning, and there has been times where 3-5 players are dead and the team will still be in base or farming the jungle.

                  Giff me Wingman

                    @Autistic Marlan trashcan nobrain boy:
                    This thread is meant to help people like gecko who have no idea how to carry properly. Your brain is not only tiny but is also disfunctional.

                    1k people do get msot of the basiscs, but they don't understand the concept of roaming, trilane etc. 2K people to trilane and roam + gank as an example. Also 1k people do understand the role of a support which i never thought would be a thing.

                    Both deaths were caused by fountain. I didn't die once to the enemy without the fountain it was basicially the #yolodive at the end of the game.

                    These games are meant for gecko as learning material to give him new ideas and maybe a new understanding how those kind of heroes work. I played SF and alch seing that SF was his most played and alchemist (apparently his favorite).

                    Sup m8

                      Alchemist as his favourite? -Game is hard.

                      Giff me Wingman

                        indeed, alche is very very weak this patch.


                          come on! i need to play Tinker on this account too!
                          good job showing OP some new stuff to study on and improve his gameplay


                            Did you play party ranked with 2k friends or how the hell did you get into high bracket? :D

                            bum farto

                              Amigo is normal skill so brings down the average party


                                Ha ha. Thanks for your input and am glad u r having fun and contributing to the overall observation.

                                Will check out the replays once off work.

                                And yes, I like to main heroes with low win rate Like LD, SD, Visage, alc and by. Enjoy a challenge!!



                                  Such a feeder blunt :P ;)


                                    Like it's something hard?

                                    I did several times the same shit in 2.5 - 2.9k.

                                    Won 8 games in a row as SF there.

                                    To be honest I never played in 1k, but I'd like to try.

                                    And I'm only 3600 at this moment.


                                      i'm kinda afraid that i'd lose even in 1k bracket with my 3.6k



                                        LOL. Alchemist rampage and 1100 GPM. Very nice. Never thought of doing battle fury as I think tankiness will suffer. The invoker didn't really harass you when you are low in HP and let you farm farm.
                                        Would love to see a few more of your alchemist play on this bracket.
                                        And I know you are looking at Miranda's boobies!!
