General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR Boosting

MMR Boosting in General Discussion

    ^ I got it off. Didnt hear about people changing this setting according to situation. You just get used to one and play with it for the rest of you life.

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        ^reasonable, didnt think about it


          auto attack on with spell on you can position your hero near a creep and spam s while watching elsewhere of the map like invoker ss so u can last hit without looking at ur screen

          auto attack off with spell on is more convenient for lots of heroes it allows you to auto acquire next target

          auto attack off spell off for tinker zeus, tinker so that you dont randomly auto attack from marching inside trees, zeus so you dont randomly walk up to creep wave and auto attack while arcing etc. also when you drop items it is considered casting a spell and your hero will want to attack any nearby creep which is annoying when u drop null to arc/drop arc to sr etc etc
          or when you are a carry and u drop a qb or w/e to lh under tower and your hero auto attacks as a result thats just annoying
          or you are sf and u blink eul an enemy then with auto attack after spell on you go aggro a nearby creep which might cost u the overlap requiem

          off auto and spell against tiny if you dont want to get randomly stunned after casting a spell near him or w.e