General Discussion

General DiscussionSo... is NP dead or is this still a thing.

So... is NP dead or is this still a thing. in General Discussion
Jay Ashborne

    So I'm just going to type out a few things because I'm a support player and I don't really know how this hero works in and out but I am pretty solid with theory crafting.

    So, when the tower armor / glyphs were changed he fell of really hard. It makes the rat style less viable imho because of time invested.
    I rarely go midas in pubs however acknowledge it'ssituational to the draft and game state. This patch I feel like early presence is pretty much required, atleast in pubs.

    Is euls a thing? His mana pool is kind of trash and it's more reliable than sprout.

    Is the blademail/null tali build still a thing?
    I normally make null > phase > maelstrom > blink/force/SB for escape then work into what the game needs, sheep, deso, mkb blah.
    I help supports with wards and stuff. Is this wrong?

    Other situational stuff? Urn? Medallion? Are these viable in the current patch?

    thanks in advance ♡


      I think Natures Prophet is like one of the worst heroes ATM.

      His only strength is that he can usually keep two lanes pushed, but with the heroes that currently is meta, deathball usually happens, meaning having two lanes pushed our doesn't mean jackshit if they go highground.

      He's good to very good at early pushing however, but he's in an awkward spot as in he doesn't contribute anything at going highground.

      = He takes a lot of farm, he doesn't really rightclick in fights and cringle your other heroes from farm as you usually farm at least one lane. And the passive effect of Nature usually pushing out lanes.


      I have no clue what's the most efficient build atm, but I was like 70% winrate when I was spamming dagon1 -> ethereal blade -> dagon 5.

      I don't think that builds that good anymore, however I don't think Natures at all is good anymore.

      Powertreads > Maelstrom > Blink > Sheep/Euls/Orchid > Sheep/Euls/Orchid > Sheep/Euls/Orchid


        He's good in coordinated teams.

        The early global presence puts a lot of pressure on the lanes and it makes for some very easy kills with the correct heroes.

        Jay Ashborne

          Tried basicto replace null for a few games. I like. Deso makes a tremendous difference. SB seems to be situationally better thank blink for me. Might have just been the past 2 drafts though.

          Jay Ashborne

            Basi **

            Double Agent

              Unfortunately not the best pub hero atm. Hopefully he gets much stronger next patch.

              bum farto

                65% winrate to like 57% in little over 3 once favorite hero is dead :(

                Greygrey the Sailor

                  I really think that his death can be attributed to some of the new more popular heroes and differences among some of the others

                  Such as zeus gaining the ability to see invis units with a lightning bolt and juggernaut now becoming the big boy,( he just farms all the treants)
                  There just isnt room for him :(

                  Jay Ashborne

                    I know he's we at this patch I'm not debating that. I'm looking for ways to make somewhat useful In casual games. It's relaxing to warch other lanes 24/7

                    Dire Wolf

                      All the popular heroes seem to screw him over majorly. Axe, jug, troll, sniper. All bad for him.

                      Sugar Show

                        Np main build is money, Midas is almost obligatory fellowed by Sb(escape) or dagon (Easy game) or Necro (Push&help a bit in battles).

                        Dire Wolf

                          I hate when np's go dagon. You might wipe their whole team but then depending on shit right click to kill towers. Go old school orchid/maelstrom deso builds mmmm.