yeah thats totally me lmfao
these are my only accounts u mongol
(btw im selling 2nd account 5k flat+ti4 compendium if anyones interested)
I added him mid game to flame him yesterday :(
God he was bad. I just quit the game at 18 minutes and afked in the well.
What kind of players jungles Axe without ever leaving the jungle to help someone with 0/0/0 and only manages to get blink dagger at 14 minutes... and then complains about how "we should have pushed". He then cried about 4/5 dota while i waited the game out in the well... meanwhile it was 4v5 cause of him for the first 15 minutes.
dude hasn't learned much about dota from all that casting.
I still want him to accept it so I can flame him a bit...
:D!!!! That the attitude of a dotabuffer!! hope he accepts! I did smth similar with synderem, fucking trash why random if you're trash with msot heroes and then had the balls to complain and say he couldn't do more /LAUGH. Anyway... i flamed his steam acc...since he didnt accept (retracted it) xD
I was also salty because I was Spirit breaker on bottom. Instead of our lion helping top, he stayed bottom after i got FB. So this lion leaves our AM alone to get owned by slark 1v1.
on top of that, they had a ancient farming medusa. So the lion wouldn't ward their ancients, wouldn't help AM, and Zyori was fucking afk jungling for 15 minutes to start the game.
I had to offlane spirit breaker, Ward their ancients, and try to save AM from slark top lane all at the same time.
"4v5 dota omg guys its so lame how he quit"
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Watching that clown game Secret vs. Duza really fun. But yea seeing fellow DB members on friend's request lol.