I have started playing him offlane and basically going full ham with him. Good hero, deserves more surprise competitive play which I think he might start showing up again given that he basically is good at controlling heroes that are so heavily farm reliant and split push farm a lot.
I've seen Barathrum the Spirit breaker quite a lot in competitive play lately, respectively so.
Heros pretty strong after the low CD charge, and Shadow Blarathrum is legit as smokes. (DONT WASTE ALL YOUR TEAMS SMOKE ON GANKS! :))
Did they changed him in recent patches ? I used to play him mid but he scale so bad late game with the attack speed nerf.
12 sec cooldown on charge is so strong (using it many times in teamfights and also running away like a space chicken)
since theres shit tons of lina and sniper pickers who goes mid
offlane sb is super legit just charge them
2v1 then mid ez kills for u and ur mid
snowball afterwards
sb is awesome ganker.. but its feels so nice when he ganks me mid and i cold snap him on charge. and then he ulties and " agghhhh / snap/ aghhh/snap/aghhh/dead "
^what up when he goes mid and you are a shadowfiend and he just have to charge/ ult/ 1 hit you are dead
still wondering why hella builds tranqs on SB. He has high base armor and does well to auto attack jungle neutrals rather than farming lanes in order to hide on map when he is farming.
^It's probably for roaming. Free regen after kills, so you don't have to go base.
edit: while minor since you could get phase boots instead, it also gives high movement speed (10 more than treads when broken) for his bash damage.
It used to be semi-popular on riki as well before he got passive regen from invis. They're generally good boots for roaming heroes.
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Go space cow.
That is all.