General Discussion

General Discussion4k doesn't know how to support

4k doesn't know how to support in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    I just had a match where i had 4 supports in my team and no fucking wards, no ganks, no help, no fucking nothing. Somehow these dipshits managed to make a game that could have been 20mins long to a 40min+ game.

    Weekend Doto best Doto

    Im the Bully of my School

      that bcuz u bad bro!

      Giff me Wingman

        I won = Bcuz I'm Bad, Monkeylogic.


          What lvl now? Can`t w8 to see your 4400 mmr calibrated

          Giff me Wingman

            12.5 and yes you might be right, i could calibrate at 4,4k. Envy calibrated at 4.1, qsnake calibrated at 4.3, hanni calibrated at 4.6k. So i would assume i would calibrate somewhere betweenn 4.1 k - 4.6k. Then ima play it to 6k and make you very sad, because it took you 1.6 years to reach 5k. RoFl

            Im the Bully of my School

              ^ Some Type of Way


                who cares, you're not gonna prove your mmr either way


                  6k in your dreams you ll never reach my mmr lol


                    Unless you post some proofs that you have more mmr than I do you should be quiet :)


                      it's normal bro, they've never played competitive so its normal they don't know shit about what a support should do, how to do it and when to do it.

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                      Im the Bully of my School

                        11 lsot in a row Benao not bad my record is 18 tho


                          sano won the internet


                            Ya i agree. Most 4k's i've played with are shit at supporting. Luckily i got a 5.5k support friend who i play a lot with and it's HEAVEN having this guy around. He does exactly what's needed to be done and to win the game, it's just completely other level from a 4k support. Not only way better mechanics and positioning, but the game knowledge... If you havent played carry while being supported by a trully great player yet, then you missed a must-do thing.

                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              You can't have 4 supports. You can have 2 at most. Learn basic dota.


                                Since when has picking a support meant the player would actually support? Are you new to Dota2 Blunt? OMG! NOOB UNINSTALL PLS!


                                  em kdas on smurf niceeee

                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                    are you in 2k mmr dota? cuz I wouldn't be complaining. They could just be russians or peru. Heck are you even sure if that game is ranked or vs. AI?

                                    Giff me Wingman

                                      Russians at 4.5k+ are usually tryhards.


                                        you will be lucky to calibrate higher than 4k if envy calibrated 4.1

                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                          it's not hard to calibrate at 4.3-4.5...