General Discussion

General Discussiondamned if you do, damned if you don't

damned if you do, damned if you don't in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Can anyone post the farm graph for this match, my cs and gpm graph vs morphling's?

    Really frustrated here, we started off ahead and I had good farm in the safe lane. But the BH and axe and TA to a lesser degree keep diving towers under march. We even had like a 3 min standoff mid t2 where we kept trying to take it and tinker kept spamming march and we'd back off. Pretty stupid. So I go back to farming. A well farmed medusa can dive march later but not with just mom and skadi. Team picked so many terrible fights then bitched at me for not joining them and pointing to my 3 kills as proof I do not know how to carry the team. The way I see it is dusa and TA should rape their team late especially since Riki was not farming at all, he only got farmed killing divers. But then there was morph to worry about so I'm curious if I was actually ahead in farm and playing it correctly. Had there not been a tinker I would've tried to get us to 5 man some rax sooner but diving double march is ill advised.


      was u safe lane


        no truesight for this match

        bum farto

          you can always go into the replay and see if for yourself.


            check the replay for graphs bro, and they had wr, tinker and morph, pretty strong mid-late game

            Dire Wolf

              eh tinker falls off once he can't 1 shot you with blink dagon combos and gets blown up himself in the process.


                you mean to say that tinker who will keep you hexed 24/7 falls off?
                well ok.


                  Tinker never falls off when he can eblade the hero that getting raped by the carry and blink perma hex the carry so he cant pop the bkb , imo tinker scales extremly good and he never falls off

                  Dire Wolf

                    Well this tinker went bloodstone and aghs lol. No fear of scythe and eblade there!

                    I will check the replays later, not able to play dota right now. Just wondering if we should've pushed more, I thought we had this match if team just relaxed a bit but they were so insistent on fighting. I guess if you play heroes like axe and bh you are constantly chomping at the bit for a fight.


                      Blaming the hero cuz a player sucks lol

                      Arthas Menethil

                        i have look through you replay and i see 4 good player vs 5 enemy player(enemy lion is not very good in his skill but he team with other player), your medusa is noob + no co-operation and u team have create lot of space to let you farm, you have fail them and i trust you only and only know to farm and get better item to win a game but not with medusa skill(how long you want to farm , full item ?until 1 vs 5?maybe dota 2 should make another 2 slot for you) ,my grandmother can do better than you ~.~

                        Dire Wolf

                          My grandmother can type better than you. And she is dead. She still types a more coherent sentence.


                            My one is also dead, high five.

                            Dire Wolf

                              I'm watching the replay now, 17:30 is hilarious. Bh and TA trading themselves for lion, diving a t2. Zero fucking business being there at that point. So at that time I have 87 cs which isn't amazing but it's tops in game, tinker has 80, morph has 48. Yet I only lead him by 400g net worth because of all the failed gank attempts top lane. Axe got caught out of position at least twice trying to gank top giving morph 2 of his kills. Our team is ahead 10-8 but bounty is 5-2-2 so he's getting most the kill gold and most of their deaths are lion at 4 and wr at 3. So the kill discrepancy is feeding the wrong pockets. TA is 2-2 and has decent net worth but I hate his items, treads and blink. Zero hp, little dmg.

                              At 1930 I messed up pretty badly with my ult timing. I couldn't really tell who was chasing TA and was just trying to book it out of there, then when bh showed up I changed my mind, lina came in on the back end and died a pointless death. But again, why is TA diving so fucking far under march of machines? Just get the damn tower!

                              This is what really pissed me off. All this is going on and where is axe? He's top lane with his dick in his hands. Right after we all die at 20 mins he trieds to 1v1 a lvl 13 morph when he is 11. Morph is str shifted and has 600 hp on him. WTF are you going to do there axe?! Enemy team tp's in, axe runs and lives but still why is everyone mad at me when he's more important to our team fight right now? At 20:54 he does die in our bottom lane for zero reason. I'm pretty much convinced at this point we lost cus of fucking axe.

                              ~23 to 24 mins is a cluster fuck. We turn some nice pickoffs into a hey let's all dive past t2 through a march! TA and bh both die, axe missed like 3 taunts. Again diving, I still have 1k net worth more than morph and he has barely 3cs/min.

                              Alright I'll stop boring you with the details, long story short is axe played like complete garbage, could've massively turned several fights but missed taunts or didn't engage or wasn't with team and I don't know why. I had a few missteps, badly timed ults, but game still very winnable until team just fed way too much. 33:45 is particularly hilarious, TA is caught out, I finally hit a good ult to save his ass, we almost kill riki but blink is op, the TA REENGAGES! LOL it's pathetic. I break 200 cs at 34 mins, not great but again, tops in match, TA still has no items. Axe and bh continue to get picked off 2v4 style rest of game. TA doesn't farm. We go on to lose.

                              So looking back, no there were not any team fights I should've been in cus really it was just axe and bounty diving most of the game and then blaming us for not coming. Axe getting picked off made him miss a couple crucial fights too.

                              MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                im not really getting the point of this thread, dusa is all about your farming pattern, then once you have tank + 1 damage item you just A ground in fights and maybe try to stone them if you are the hardworking type..

                                your skillbuild is pretty awful btw, heres an example of dusa safelane radiant carry